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Our Living Better Lives directory of services below lists local, regional and national organisations that can offer information and advice, support, care and social activities for adults.
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Arts for people of all abilities.
Derby Terrace Community Centre
Derby Terrace
South Shields
NE33 4PN
Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom
- Contact number: 0191 454 4004 / 07307883855
A respite care home for people over 18 with a learning and physical disability.
18 Bisley Drive
South Shields
NE34 0PY
Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom
- Contact number: 0191 454 4871
BILD aim to improve the quality of the lives of people with disabilities.
Birmingham Research Park
97 Vincent Drive
B15 2SQ
United Kingdom
- Contact number: 0121 415 6960
Registered provider of adult respite care holidays.
Kielder Water & Forest Park
NE48 1BS
United Kingdom
- Contact number: 01434 250232
Providing Inpatient mental health, learning disabilities and neuro-rehabilitation services.
St. Nicholas Hospital
Jubilee Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
- Contact number: 0191 246 6800
Involvement group for people with learning disabilities.
Ocean Road Community Association
Ocean Road
South Shields
NE33 2DW
Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom
- Contact number: 0191 340 4173
Friends Action North East supports adults with learning disabilities in the North East of England to make and keep friends.
C/o Ouseburn Farm
Ouseburn Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom
- Contact number: 0191 231 4327
Adults with learning disabilities, their families, informal carers and paid care staff receive specialist support from this service. People can refer themselves or anyone associated with the person can arrange a conversation either in writing or over the phone.
Monkton Lane
Monkton Village
NE32 5NN
- Contact number: 0191 451 6649
The Eco-Centre
Windmill Way
NE31 1SR
- Contact number: 0191 428 1144
Service offering tailored advice to help households save money on energy bills.
Offer a wide range of services to support adults and children to fulfil their needs through meaningful activities.
Luke's Lane CA
Marine Drive
Luke's Lane
NE31 2BA
- Contact number: 0191 519 1699
Advocacy service for anyone suffering with dementia, learning disability or mental health difficulties.
IMCA (Independent Mental Capacity Advocate)
The Old Bank
Swinburne Street
Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom
- Contact number: 0191 478 6472
19 Wadham Terrace
South Shields
NE34 0BU
Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom
- Contact number: 0191 4205838
Krocodile Klub has been running since 1998, providing a friendly atmosphere where people with learning disabilities and their friends can make new friends, meet up with old ones, hear great music, dance, chill and perform on open mic.
- Contact number: 0191 443 4661
Mencap offers support to people with a learning disability such as employment, social care, housing, residential care and supported living services.
United Kingdom
- Contact number: 0808 808 1111
The North East Autism Society (NEAS) help children and adults with autism to take part in society.
Founded in 2010 as a voluntary community organisation Ocean Arts is now a Community Interest Company which provides creative opportunities to people with learning disabilities in South Tyneside.
Captains Row
South Shields
NE33 5AS
- Contact number: 0191 454 4659
Providing a range of activities for people with learning disabilities ranging from horticultural projects to swimming.
Chuter Ede Community Association
Galsworthy Road
NE34 9UG
- Contact number: 0300 012 8128
Shared Lives provides long term placements, short breaks and emergency support to adults with learning disabilities.
South Shields Town Hall and Civic Offices (Level 2)
Westoe Road
South Shields
NE33 2RL
- Contact number: 0191 424 7279
The Primary Health Hub supports people aged 14 and over who have, learning disabilities, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), severe mental illness and special educational needs and disabilities.
- Contact number: 0191 451 6649
Supports adults with a learning disability to live in their own homes, with support focused on the individual needs of each person.
Suite 103
Navigation House
Tyne Dock
South Shields
NE34 0AB
- Contact number: 0191 323 3786
Unforgettable Experiences aims to help older people and their carers to improve overall quality of life through live, creative, and interactive artistic sessions.
- Contact number: 01325 238007
Your Voice Counts helps people with learning difficulties find out about different services and organisations that can support them.
Unit 12 Interchange Centre
West Street
- Contact number: 0191 478 6472 / Fax: 0191 477 8559