Learning disabilities (health and wellbeing needs in South Tyneside)

High level priorities

The JSNAA aims to support the development of a lifespan approach for supporting people with learning disability and to reduce health inequalities to create a parity of esteem.

Putting the person at the centre

People with a learning disability in South Tyneside have worked with us in partnership to help us to understand what matters to them. 


People with a learning disability have told us:

  • A variety of accessible housing options are available.
  • There is accessible information about housing.
  • People have choice and control over where they live.

Being part of the community

People with learning disabilities should have choice and control over what they want to access, where and when they access it.

Health and wellbeing 

People with a learning disability should be able to access health services that everyone else accesses and have the right support available to do this.