James Kirkup Collection in South Shields

Related works at The Word


  • A Study of the Selected Works of James Kirkup. Unpublished Certificate of Education dissertation by Dorothy Flower (1966).
  • Kagawa by A. Takemoto & H. Narasaki. Edited by JK & S. McCarty. Japan: Shikoku Shimbunsha, 1988. Inscribed 'To Cenral Library. From A. Takemoto.' (1988).

Books and pamphlet

  • Akiko Takemoto: Building Bridges. Reminiscences of Childhood Readings. 1998. Her Majesty Empress Michiko of Japan. English Translation by Eileen Kato. Tokyo: Suemori Books Co. Ltd.. Inscribed 'To Rita and her Family Wishing You All a Happy New Year! (1999) From Shima & Akiko'. Also Issunboshi (One Inch Boy). Inscribed 'To Doris Johnson. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Akiko Takemoto (Chikako) in Japan.' (1988, 1999)