James Kirkup Collection in South Shields

Other correspondence at The Word

Books, pamphlets and letters, Letters, Letters and documents, Letters, newspaper cuttings and documents, Letter and press cuttings, Magazines, letters and newspaper cuttings

Books, pamphlets and letters

  • Three envelopes labelled by JK 'containing signed copies of books and offprints by Lindley Williams Hubbell'. Some inscribed to JK and letter to JK from L.W.H.(1971 - 1983).


  • Large envelope containing lists of awards and positions and publications, and letters from various publishers and TV companies,etc.,(1978-1990) with occasional notational markings by JK (1950-90).
  • To JK from Covent Garden Press Ltd., April 1972, from Hiromichi Umetsu, May (1972).
  • To Makoto Tamaki from M.M. Clark, Corresponding Editor of Intrinsic, re submissions of poetry. June 20 (1980).
  • To JK from Akiko Takemoto, Nov (1976).
  • To JK from Akiko Takemoto (1983).
  • To JK from Akiko Takemoto, June 2006 - May 2007 with accompanying note from JK (2006-2007).
  • Two postcards to JK from Paula regarding her father, Dr. James Hogg (University of Salzburg). 16.10.2006 and 17.02. 2008 (2006-08).
  • To JK from Fumiko Miura, April (2007).
  • To JK from Anna and Brin Cole of Brindin Press, April (2007).
  • Blue Chrome promotional postcard for The Authentic Touch. Bristol, April (2007).
  • To JK from Jayne Lindgren in Hull, two lettercards, May (2007).
  • To JK from Cambridge University Press regarding Our English 1 featuring My Thing From Outer Space by JK. 30.07.2007 (2007).
  • Copyright payment for Bread of Heaven from Methodist Publishing House, 20.09.2007 (2007).
  • To JK from 10 Downing Street regarding a supplementary Civil List Pension. 01.04.2008 (2008).
  • To Library from Dr. H. Morsbach. 06.10.08 Photocopy (2008).
  • To Sheila Wakefield from JK re the launch of Marsden Bay, Oct. 2008. Photocopy (2008).

Letters and documents

  • Envelope containing copies of 3 articles on A.E.Housman, one by JK and a accompanying letter to JK from Takeshi Obata (1980).
  • To JK from Blue Chrome re publication and draft cover(attached) for The Authentic Touch. Bristol, 12 June (2006).
  • To JK from Sonia Lawson re Poet and Painter Exhibition, Nov 12-30th (2008).

Letters, newspaper cuttings and documents

  • Envelope containing letters to JK, press reviews and other documents packaged and labelled by JK (1977 -1988).

Letter and press cuttings

  • To JK from A.R.Davis, June 1978 and Jan. & Sept. 1979; and University of Queensland Press, Oct.1979, all concerning Modern Japanese Poetry with related press reviews (1978 - 1979).

Magazines, letters and newspaper cuttings

  • Envelope labelled 'containing various magazines and cuttings related to JK' with letter to JK from British Library and letter to JK from John Einarsen (1982 - 1985).