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Our Living Better Lives directory of services below lists local, regional and national organisations that can offer information and advice, support, care and social activities for adults.
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Christian religious organisation.
2 Ocean Road
South Shields
NE33 2DW
- Contact number: 0191 280 8991
Deaf and hearing working together in Tyne and Wear, breaking down the barriers that Deaf or hearing impaired people face in our society. This includes training, British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation, Support and general advice and guidance.
- Contact number: 07752 417248
Adventurous activities and experiences for groups and individuals on land and water.
St Simon's Street
South Shields
NE34 9SD
- Contact number: 0191 424 0118
Competitive cricket club and team.
C/o Marsden Cricket Club
Jack Clark Park
Horsley Hill Road
South Shields
NE33 3HE
People with a passion for chess meet every Thursday at 6.30pm at The Customs House, South Shields.
The Customs House
Mill Dam
South Shields
NE33 1ES
A friendly athletics club who welcome members of all ages/abilities to come along to train and compete.
Gypsies Green Stadium
South Shields Seafront
NE33 2LD
A club for remote controlled sailing vessels sailed on the boating lake in South Marine Park
Sea Road
South Shields
NE33 2JS
- Contact number: 0191 388 7649
A service providing access to the surf, ocean and coastal environment sand with activities to develop new skills, improve physical and or mental wellbeing, find a way into employment.
- Contact number: 07583144560
A football club for people with disabilities.
South Tyneside Academy of Musical Performance was established in 2006 to provide professional training in singing, dancing and drama at an affordable cost to anyone aged three or above.
- Contact number: 0191 354 5995
This local charity creates voice news recordings from local and national newspapers for visually-impaired people.
- Contact number: 0191 447 5581
South Tyneside TEN can offer IT training, practical help with job searching, CV writing, application forms and interview techniques.
Room 3
The Eco Centre
Windmill Way
NE31 1SR
- Contact number: 0191 427 2790
A group of volunteers who work with the council and police to keep people safe on the streets of the town centre at night at weekends.
The Stroke Association provide support for people who have experienced a stroke, their family or carers.
A variety of activities and meetings are held at this Whitburn community building.
15 East Street
- Contact number:
The Creative Seed is a Creative Production Company which specialises in educating and training community groups in carnival arts.
South Tyneside College
St George's Avenue
South Shields
NE34 6ET
- Contact number: 07725 267 478
The service aims to protect Temple Memorial Park and to encourage its use for recreation, sport, and as an asset for the local community.
All female branch of a national network of clubs focused on promoting friendship among members.
- Contact number: 0207 834 4600
A welcoming, vibrant, international church where all are welcomed.
86B Fowler Street
South Shields
NE33 1PD
- Contact number: 0191 265 6577
Drama club based in Cleadon.
The Little Theatre
5 Boldon Lane
- Contact number: 0191 447 0493
- Contact number: 0800 470 80 90
Travel company that provides holidays, breaks and tours for both blind/visually impaired and sighted travellers.
PO Box 511
- Contact number: 0113 8346094
Trinity House South Tyneside offers a licensed café, a gym, meeting and event room hire and offices.
134 Laygate
South Shields
NE33 4JD
- Contact number: 0191 454 3972
Outreach Team
Discovery Museum
Blandford Square
Newcastle upon Tyne
- Contact number: 0191 232 6789 / Textphone: 18001 0191 232 6789
A charity dedicated to getting more people involved in sport.
3rd floor Parsons House
Parsons Road
NE37 1EZ
- Contact number: 0191 497 2320
A social group for people interested in all things wood to build friendships and improve their skills.
Perth Green Community Centre
Inverness Road
NE32 4AQ
- Contact number: 07977 646342
A netball club for children and adults. Encourages adults to return to playing the game
Mortimer Community College
Mortimer Road
South Shields
NE33 4UH
- Contact number: 0191 456 6511
Unforgettable Experiences aims to help older people and their carers to improve overall quality of life through live, creative, and interactive artistic sessions.
- Contact number: 01325 238007
U3A (The University of the Third Age) is a UK-wide movement which brings together people in their 'third age' to develop their interests and continue their learning in a friendly and informal environment.
The group was set up in 1992 to bring visually impaired people together.
All Saints Community Association
Stanley Street
South Shields
NE34 0BX
- Contact number: 0191 456 1185 / 0191 456 7912