Forward Plan December 2024 to March 2025
This page lists the forward plan for current Council reports from December 2024 to March 2025.
The lists below show current reports and:
- the decision to be made on the reports
- whether the decisions are key decisions
- whether the report or part of it confidential or containing exempt information
- the date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
- the consultees / consultation process
- any background documents / information available to the decision-maker
- the contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
Jarrow Hall - Roofing Project
Appointment of Contractor.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Delegated Powers used on the basis of urgency pursuant to Paragraph 18, Section 1 of the scheme of delegation.
Decision made by Director of Place Strategy in consultation wit the Leader and Deputy Leader, the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny was consulted on this decision - 6 September 2024.
The consultees / consultation process
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Stuart Wright and Phil Dixon
Appointment of contractors for Children's Residential Homes and Assessment Centre
Appointment of contractors to undertake remaining works on two Childrens Residential Homes (Grant St and Hebburn New Town) and one Childrens Assessment Centre (Seton / Fox Avenue) following previous contractor entering administration.
Value of contracts will exceed £250,000.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
The Chief Executive has agreed that the call-in procedure will not operate for this matter due to urgency.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
- Delegation on the basis of urgency
- Decision made by Chief Executive and Director of Childrens Services
- Date of decision to be confirmed (following tender process)
The consultees / consultation process
- Leader of South Tyneside Council
- Deputy Leader of South Tyneside Council
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The full value of the contracts, as well as previous budgets / cost estimates will be made available to decision-makers following tender process.
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Phil Dixon
- 0191 424 7661
Transfer of Services - South Tyneside Homes to South Tyneside Council
No decision - to note only. This report will provide a position statement and assurance around the services that have been transferred across to South Tyneside Council.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 27 November 2024
The consultees / consultation process
The Leader and the Leader Member for Housing and Community Safety will be consulted in relation to this matter.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Nicola Robason (Director of Governance and Corporate Affairs)
- 0191 4247186
Middlefields Masterplan - Appointment of Contractor
Whether or not to appoint a contractor to undertake works relating to the Middlefields Masterplan.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet 27 November 2024
The consultees / consultation process
Various planning applications linked to the proposed works have been undertaken
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Phil Dixon
- 07717 791 747
Procurement Pipeline - Forward Plan November 2024
This report sets out to inform all procurement activity to be undertaken from November 2024 up to May 2025, which carries a contract value of £350,000 or over, in line with the "Procurement Procedure Rules" set out within the Constitution.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 27 November 2024
The consultees / consultation process
Lead Member of Governance, Finance and Corporate Services
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Peter Lawton
- 0191 424 7712
Contract Award for Adult Advocacy Provision
Executive approval to commence a procurement exercise for a new advocacy service for adults.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 27 November 2024
The consultees / consultation process
The proposed service model was developed via a co-production exercise involving users, providers and professionals.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
- Equality Check document
- The South Tyneside Vision, Ambitions and Strategy
- South Tyneside Council: Living Better Lives 2022 - 2026
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Michael Campbell (Strategic Commissioning Manager)
- 07483 387 409
Westoe Educational Charity Annual Accounts 2023/24
Approval of Annual Accounts.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 27 November 2024
The consultees / consultation process
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
Finance Team Files
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Ian Burden
Homelessness Review
To note the review - no decision needed
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
- Cabinet - 27 November 2024
The consultees / consultation process
- Internal Consultation:
- Adult Social Care
- Children's Services
- Public Health
- Safeguarding
- Housing and Environment Scrutiny Committee
- External Consultation:
- Current Accommodation and support providers
- homelessness charities
- neighbouring authorities
- Public consultation
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Anna Milner (Senior Manager - Housing Strategy and Regulation)
Treasury Management Mid Year Review - 30 September 2024
There is a requirement to report quarterly to the Executive on Treasury Management activity and on the exercise of delegated powers.
This report is for up to 30 September.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
- Cabinet - 27 November 2024
- Council - 23 January 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
Treasury Management File
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Paul McCann
- 0191 424 7111
Out North East Pride Report
No decision - to note only.
This report will update Members on the local Pride programme of events over the summer.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 28 November 2024
The consultees / consultation process
The Leader Member for Housing and Community Safety will be consulted in relation to this matter.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
EDIB Strategy
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Nicola Robason (Director of Governance and Corporate Affairs)
- 0191 4247186
School Attendance (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2024: Statutory Guidance and Code of Conduct for Penalty Notices
To agree to implement the new regulations and statutory guidance on school attendance accordingly, including revisions to the Code of Conduct for Penalty Notices.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 28 November 2024
The consultees / consultation process
Consultation has been held with schools and the implications of the Code of Conduct have been communicated with parents.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
- School Attendance (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2024
- South Tyneside Code of Conduct for issuing Penalty Notices
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Beverley Scanlon
- 0191 424 7697
Annual Report 2023/2024 from the Independent Chair of Standards Committee
For information.
Borough Council are asked to note the Report from the Independent Chair of Standards Committee.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 28 November 2024
The consultees / consultation process
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
- Standards Committee (August 2023 - August 2024)
- Committee
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Nicola Robason (Director of Governance and Corporate Affairs)
- 0191 4247186
Principal Social Worker Annual Report
Members are asked to note annual report and work associated with the role of the Principal Social Worker for Adult Social Care and the Priorities for the forthcoming Year.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 28 November 2024
The consultees / consultation process
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Vicki Pattinson
- 0191 424 4749
Sustainable South Tyneside - Annual Update 2024
Members are asked to note the information contained within this report in relation to emission reductions and delivery activities supporting the Council's target of carbon neutrality by 2030.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 28 November 2024
The consultees / consultation process
Lead Member for Neighbourhoods and Climate Change
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
South Tyneside Council's Climate Change strategy and action plan - Climate Change strategy and action plan
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Laura Turvey (Senior Manager - Sustainability)
- 0191 424 7921
Domestic Abuse Annual Report
The Council are asked to endorse the report.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 28 November 2024
The consultees / consultation process
No formal consultation required. Lead Member, Public Health leadership team have been briefed.
Internal and external partners have contributed to the report where relevant.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Paula Phillips
0191 424 6441 - Julie Connaughton
0191 424 6520
Armed Forces Covenant Annual Update
Council is asked to note the progress made over the preceding 12 months to support the Armed Forces Covenant.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 28 November 2024
The consultees / consultation process
The cross-sector Armed Forces Forum are consulted throughout the year on work to support the Covenant.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
Council Constitution page 13.
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Hayley Page (Corporate Lead Engagement, Comms and Service Support)
- 0191 424 7014
Residential Property Acquisitions Policy
To approve the draft policy.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 28 November 2024
The consultees / consultation process
Internal Consultation - legal, Adult Social Care, Children's Services, Finance, Housing & Environment Scrutiny Committee.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Anna Milner (Senior Manager - Housing Strategy and Regulation)
IT Hardware & Peripherals Framework
Approval of Framework award.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 8 January 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Dave Slater
The award of Fire Door Alterations Programme Contract
To decide whether to award the contract to the first ranked tenderer.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 8 January 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Consultation will be carried out with the residents of each building in turn to agree the best way to deliver the works with the least disruption to the building users.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
There are no background documents, this is in response to regulation
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Simon Mercer
- 07776 215 593
Stronger Shores Project delivery update
To approve increases to funding partner agreements.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 8 January 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Legal and Procurement Service Stronger Shores Partnership Board members have signed off.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Michelle Hogg
- 0191 424 7651
Council Budget Monitoring - April to September 2024
This budget monitoring report forms part of our regular quarterly cycle in relation to financial management.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 8 January 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Alan Foster
- 0191 424 6807
Contract Award for Finance and Procurement Solution
To award contract for replacement system.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 8 January 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Consultation with range of system users to inform tender specification.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Stuart Reid
- 0191 424 7765
Corporate Complaints, Compliments and Comments Policy 2024
To approve the Council's updated Complaints, Compliments and Comments Policy.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 23 January 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Draft policy has been consulted with the Council's Standards Committee.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
Draft policy will be included with papers.
Local Government Ombudsman Complaint Code: Complaint Handling Code - Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Neil Purvis
- 0191 424 7039
Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025/26
This report outlines the proposed Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) to apply from 1 April 2025.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 23 January 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Stuart Reid
- 0191 424 7765
Report of the Chair and Vice Chair of the Audit Committee
For information.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 23 January 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Chair of Audit Committee
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- John Gettins
- 0191 424 7064
Child Poverty Strategy
For Full Council to agree a strategy to tackle Child Poverty (following agreement of the Anti-Poverty Strategy in March 2024).
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
- Cabinet - 19 February 2025
- Council - 20 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Consultation taking place with key stakeholders, including Poverty Group and South Tyneside Youth Council.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Rory Sherwood-Parkin
South Tyneside Pledge
For information.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
- Cabinet - 19 February 2025
- Council - 20 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Consultation taking with key stakeholders, including members of the Pledge and Council teams.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Rory Sherwood-Parkin
Pupil Admission Arrangements for Primary and Secondary Schools - September 2026
To agree the pupil admissions arrangements for the academic year 2026/2027.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Admissions Authorities from neighbouring LA's, Volunary aided and Community Schools, Trust Schools and Academies.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
See appendices to reports
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
Stuart Easingwood
Recommissioning of the 0 - 19 Service Following the 1 Year Extension to Monitor the 5 - 19 Service
Whether to recommission the 0 - 19 service from 2025 onwards.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Consultation about the service took place with young people, teachers and service staff themselves in 2023.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Claire Mawson
0191 424 6455 - Paula Phillips
0191 424 6441
Recommissioning of Adult Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service
Approval of new contract.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Consultation will be held with both Internal & external partners, providers and service users on any proposed model of the service.
Partnerships will include Substance misuse Partnership, South Tyneside Alcohol Alliance, Mental Health Alliance, Children's and Adult's Safeguarding.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
- GOV.UK: From harm to hope
- Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy - South Tyneside Council
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy - South Tyneside Council
- South Tyneside Council | Community Safety Partnership
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Julie Connaughton
0191 424 6441 - Paula Phillips
0191 424 6441
Access and Egress Solutions
Approve the contract award.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Nikki Carter / Cllr Ruth Berkley Lead Member Adults, Health and Independence
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
Procurement exercise in progress, Cabinet report to follow.
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Chris Taylor
Stop Smoking Service Expansion and Vapes - One Year on
A review of the Stop Smoking Service and how the distribution of vapes is having an impact on smoking rates and service engagement.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 20 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Potential to gather feedback from providers about how the updated service and vape option is going.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Ellie Forrester
- 0191 424 6552
Oral Health Workplan
Agreement / discussion on key objectives to be included in the Oral Health Workplan.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 20 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Plans to consult with the Oral Health Promotion Team and partners that might be affected by proposed changes
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Ellie Forrester
- 0191 424 6552
Refresh of the alcohol strategy
Alcohol Strategy to be adopted by Council.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 20 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
A range of stakeholders will be consulted as part of the strategy development, this will include (but not limited to) individuals with lived experience, Living Well Alliance, HealthNet (VCS partners), South Tyneside's Alcohol Alliance and Scrutiny.
The Alcohol Strategy will be fed through Governance including PHLT, PHLMB, Adult Safeguarding, HWB Scrutiny and Cabinet.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Robyn Bullock
- 0191 424 6560
Disaster Recovery Solution Deferred
Approval of contract award.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet 27 November 2024
The consultees / consultation process
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Dave Slater
- 0191 424 7765