The Council and elections
Contact us, elections, voting, councillors, council meetings, strategies, and more
Contact us
Opening times, complaints, payment facilities and more.
Elections and voting
Registering to vote, how to vote, past election results, and the electoral register.
Councillors and committee meetings
Find your councillors, Council meetings, Council leaders, ward boundaries and more.
Our vision and strategies
Our Vision, Ambitions, Strategy, Values, Change Programme, and 12 Month Delivery Plan.
How the Council is performing
Find out how the Council is performing by reading South Tyneside Council's annual reports and performance reviews.
How the Council works
The role of councillors and employees, how decisions are made, the Council management structure, and the constitution.
Have your say
Ways to have your say, current consultations, Community Area Forums and more.
Budgets and spending
Council budgets, financial statements, expenses and allowances' and more.
Access to information
Data protection, Freedom of information, Code of corporate governance and more.
Our South Tyneside Data Observatory
Our South Tyneside Data Observatory is a free to use website with up-to-date information about our borough.