Data protection


The Data Protection Act 2018 was introduced:

  • to give individuals right of access to their own personal data
  • to regulate and control how individuals and organisations acquire, process and hold personal data

The purpose of the Act is to make sure that data is processed with the highest level of protection to safeguard the interests of individuals to prevent any cause of harm or suffering to a person.

View Sounth Tyneside Council's Data protection policy.

How the Data Protection Act works

Under the Data Protection Act anyone processing personal information must comply with the eight principles of handling information.

The Act stipulates that data processed must be:

  • obtained fairly and lawfully
  • obtained only for the specified purpose it was given and can not be used for any other incompatible purpose
  • should be adequate, relevant and not excessive
  • should be kept up to date and accurate
  • should not be kept for longer than necessary
  • should be processed in accordance with the individuals rights (i.e. data subject)
  • should be secure
  • should not be transferred to countries outside the European Union unless that country has adequate protection for the individual

How to stop the Council from using your information for direct marketing purposes

You can write to the Council to request your information be removed from any direct marketing lists.

The Council will respond to you within 21 days to confirm if this request can be met.