Senior Officers Register of Interests 2024 - 2025 (HTML)

Holly Bainbridge


Corporate Lead - Performance and Change Management

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)


Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

David Brooks


Head of Culture and Leisure

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Member of the Hadrian's Wall Partnership Board

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

  • Lives outside of South Tyneside
  • Part owner of a semi-detached property in South Shields (West Park Ward)

Phillip Dixon


Head of Strategic Housing and Assets

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)


Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register

  • Director (Unpaid) of Inspired Spaces STaG (Proj Co 1)
  • Director (Unpaid) of Inspired Spaces STaG (Proj Co 2)
  • Director (Unpaid) of Inspired Spaces STaG Ltd

Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

Mr Dixon lives locally and whilst his home address is provided for on their Register of Interests, we have decided to omit this information from the published version of the Register.

Stuart Easingwood


Director of Childrens Service

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Social Work England Registration - SW151563
  • Member of the Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS)
  • Member of British Association of Social Workers (BASW)
  • Member of Association of Local Authority Chief Executives (ALACE)

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

Paul Fleming


Head of Highways Infrastructure

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

Member of the Institute of Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

Alan Foster


Head of Finance

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Member of Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
  • Director (unpaid) - Centaurea Homes Ltd
  • Director (unpaid) - Sustainable South Tyneside (Jarrow) Ltd
  • Director (unpaid) - Sustainable South Tyneside (Hebburn) Ltd
  • GMB Trade Union Member

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

Gary Kirsop


Head of Operations

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)


Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

Mr Kirsop lives locally and whilst his home address is provided for on their Register of Interests, we have decided to omit this information from the register

Tom Hall


Director of Public Health

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health of the Royal College of Physicians
  • Member of the statutory UK Public Health Register: FR0644
  • Member of the Association of Directors of Public Health
  • Deputy Director of the Health Inequalities Theme of the Applied Research Collaboration for the North East and North Cumbria
  • Director of Public Health Lead for the North East Clinical Research Network School of Public Health
  • Director of Public Health Representative on the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board
  • Member of the Forestry Commission

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

Hayley Johnson


Corporate Lead Engagement, Communication and Support Services

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Member of Unison

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

Ms Johnson lives locally and whilst her home address is provided for on their Register of Interests, we have decided to omit this information from the published version of the Register.

Paul McCann


Head of Pensions

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Member of Unison

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

Claire McLaren


Head of HR and OD

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)


Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

Anna Milner


Senior Manager - Housing Strategy and Regulation

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Chartered Institute of Housing - Chartered Membership

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

Ms Milner lives locally and whilst her home address is provided for on their Register of Interests, we have decided to omit this information from the published version of the Register.

Victoria Pattinson


Director of Adult Social Services and Commissioning

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Social Work England Registration - SW62734
  • Unison
  • ADASS (Association of Director of Social Services) Policy Priority Lead

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

Stuart Reid


Director of Business and Resources (Chief Financial Officer - s151)

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Member of Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
  • Unison Trade Union Member
  • Personal interest: Daughter employed by Newton Europe

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register

  • Director (Unpaid) of Inspired Spaces STaG (Proj Co 1)
  • Director (Unpaid) of Inspired Spaces STaG (Proj Co 2)
  • Director (Unpaid) of Inspired Spaces STaG Ltd

Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

Paula Phillips


Service Lead - Public Health

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)


Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

Chris Ring


Head of Children and Families Social Care

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Social Work England Registration - SW34165
  • BASW 56936
  • The Social Workers Union 056936

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

Nicola Robason


Director Governance and Corporate Affairs (Monitoring Officer)

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest

  • Ad Hoc appointments for Elections - including Deputy Returning Officer

Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Unison Trade Union Member
  • The Law Society - SRA ID:379941
  • Member of Association of Electoral Administrators
  • Member of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers (SOLACE)
  • LGA Corporate Peer Challenge - Peer
  • Personal Interest - sister-in-law, Joanne Robason, is the Governance and Corporate Support Manager within South Tyneside Council Housing Services

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register

  • Company Secretary - Newcastle Airport Local Authority Holding Company Limited (unpaid)
  • Company Secretary - South Tyneside Council Housing Services Limited (unpaid)
  • Monitoring Officer (Core) North East Combined Authority (unpaid)

Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

John Rumney


Corporate Lead Legal and Governance

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest

  • Ad Hoc appointments for Elections - including Deputy Returning Officer / Adjudication Officer

Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Director Sustainable South Tyneside (Hebburn) Ltd (unpaid) Co. no. 12883760
  • Director Sustainable South Tyneside (Jarrow) Ltd (unpaid) Co. no. 12883584
  • The Law Society - SRA ID: 26374
  • Member of Association of Electoral Administrators
  • Governor Boldon School

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

Mr Rumney lives locally and whilst his home address is provided for on their Register of Interests, we have decided to omit this information from the register.

Mr Rumney owns one further property in South Shields and whilst this address is provided for on their Register of Interests, we have decided to omit this information from the published version of the Register.

John Scott


Head of Strategic Investment & Growth

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)


Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

Rory Sherwood-Parkin


Corporate Lead - Policy and Insight

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • LGA Corporate Peer Challenge - Peer
  • Unison member

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

Dave Slater


Acting Head of Digital and ICT

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Member of National Trust

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

Barbara Tennant


Pledge Support Officer

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Board member - South Tyneside Healthwatch CIC
  • Trustee - One 4 All (Charitable organisation)

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

Lives in South Tyneside - private rental.

Jonathan Tew


Chief Executive

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest

  • Ad Hoc appointments for Elections - including Returning Officer

Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Member of the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers (SOLACE)
  • Personal Interest - brother-in-law is the regional account director for Reach Media

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register

  • LA7 Airport HoldCo Board & NIAL Board (Advisor - unpaid)

Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

Laura Turvey


Head of Strategic Transport and Environment

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Professional membership of Chartered Institute of Environmental Health

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register


Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

N/A - lives outside of South Tyneside

Stuart Wright


Director of Place Strategy

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest

  • Ad Hoc Election appointments Deputy Returning Officer

Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)


Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register

  • Director - Centaurea Homes Limited (unpaid)

Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

Mr Wright lives locally and whilst his home address is provided for on their Register of Interests, we have decided to omit this information from the published version of the Register.

Andrew Whittaker


Corporate Lead, Town Centre and Foreshore

Other paid Employment, Office or Business Interest


Other non-financial interest in any organisation (such as a professional, body, trade association including membership of clubs and societies)

  • Chartered Institute of Waste Management
  • Member Hadrian Motor Club Ltd
  • Member Jim Clark Motor Club Ltd
  • Member of Friends of Westoe Cemetery Group

Securities or shareholding or other financial interest in any company where the total nominal value of any securities exceeds £25,000 or 1% of the total nominal value of the issued share capital, whichever is less. (The value or amount of any shareholding or other financial interest need not be declared)


Directorship, consultancy or financial interest not listed elsewhere in the register

  • Trustee, Groundwork South Tyneside.
  • Chair of Governors, Route to Work College, Groundwork South Tyneside
  • Chairman and Director, Hadrian Motor Club Ltd
  • Chairman, Association of the North East and Cumbria Car Clubs
  • Director, Jim Clark Rally Motor Club Ltd
  • Motor Sport UK appointed Route Liaison Officer for Northumberland and Durham

Description and location of any property owned, leased or mortgaged within South Tyneside (home addresses not disclosed)

Mr Whittaker lives locally and whilst his home address is provided for on their Register of Interests, we have decided to omit this information from the published version of the Register.