Forward Plan August to October 2023 (Revised 11 August)
This page lists the forward plan for current Council reports from August to October, 2023.
The lists below show current reports and:
- the decision to be made on the reports
- whether the decisions are key decisions
- whether the report or part of it confidential or containing exempt information
- the date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
- the consultees/ consultation process
- any background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
- the contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
College Relocation: Pre-construction Phase
The decision to be made on the reports
To consider funding requirement for pre-construction phase of the programme.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 9 August 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Paul Archibald
- 0191 424 7671
Domestic Abuse Commissioning Options paper
The decision to be made on the reports
Cabinet is asked to approve the preferred commissioning option for the delivery of domestic abuse services across South Tyneside.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
Paragraph 3: Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
Paragraph 4: Information relating to any consultations or negotiations, or contemplated consultations or negotiations, with trades unions and/or employees.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 9 August 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
- Consultation has occurred with CLT
- Lead Member for Adults, Health, and Wellbeing
- Lead Member for Children and Families Social Care
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
- South Tyneside Domestic Abuse Strategy - South Tyneside Council
- JSNAA for Domestic Abuse
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Paula Phillips
- 0191 424 6441
Adult Social Care Transport Policy
The decision to be made on the reports
Approval of ASC transport Policy sought
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
It is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 9 August 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
Internal with Children and Education colleagues
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
Policy attached to report
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Peter Hunter
- 0191 424 7069
Poverty Group Update and Cost of Living Response
The decision to be made on the reports
To note an update on the work of the South Tyneside Poverty Group and the Partnership's response to the cost of living crisis, following previous updates to Full Council in November 2022 and March 2023.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
It is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 9 August 2023
Council - 7 September 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
Consultation has taken place with the Poverty Group, key partners and Lead Members.
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Rory Sherwood-Parkin (Corporate Lead - Policy and Insight)
- 0781 2514191
Treasury Management Annual Report 2022/23
The decision to be made on the reports
The Director of Business and Resources is required to submit an annual report on Treasury Management activities to Council in order to comply with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy Code of Practice on Treasury Management.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
It is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 9 August 2023
Council - 7 September 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
Treasury Management File
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Paul McCann
- 0191 424 6545
Modern Workplace Programme - Information Governance
The decision to be made on the reports
This report sets out a proposal to invest in a radical overhaul and improvement of the Council's records management arrangements using the facilities and tools available through the Microsoft 365 technology suite.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
It is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 9 August 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
Engagement with all services through the Programme
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Stuart Reid
- 0191 424 7765
Award of contract for the Museum Estates and Development Fund (MEND) scheme of works to South Shields Museum and Art Gallery
The decision to be made on the reports
Whether or not to appoint a contractor, following a full procurement process, to undertake the necessary works.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
Exempt information:
- Paragraph 3: Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 9 August 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
- Lead Member
- Senior Council Officers (via Leadership Team / CDG)
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Phil Dixon
- 07717791747
Award of Contract for Lead Consultant and associated Design Team for the Middlefields Masterplan
The decision to be made on the reports
Whether or not to appoint a contractor, following a full procurement process, to undertake the necessary works.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
Exempt information:
- Paragraph 3: Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 9 August 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
- Lead Member
- Senior Council Officers (via Leadership Team / CDG)
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Phil Dixon
- 07717791747
Council Spend on Civic and Mayoral Hospitality
The decision to be made on the reports
Information item
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
It is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 7 September 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
Constitution Committee consulted
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
The Council Constitution
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Hayley Johnson (Corporate Lead Officer, Engagement, Communication and Support Services)
- 0191 424 7014
NE Fostering Pathfinder and Mockingbird
The decision to be made on the reports
This is an update on fostering recruitment including sign up to the NE regional pilot (led by Sunderland). This is also an opportunity to celebrate work done by our teams and foster carers and raise the profile and benefits of being a foster carer for STC and to encourage all staff and members to think about how we can promote this and reach out to family's friends and organisations across the Borough.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
It is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 7 September 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Steve Reddy
- 0191 424 4667
Report to Appoint to Current Vacant Position on Community Area Forums
The decision to be made on the reports
Appointment of x 2 Community representatives.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
It is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 7 September 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
- Cllr Bell - Lead Member (04.08.23)
- CDG (09.08.23) and Political Cabinet (23 August)
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Nicola Robason (Director of Governance and Corporate Affairs)
- 0191 424 7186
Enforcement and Debt Collection for Revenue and Income and Parking
The decision to be made on the reports
To appoint enforcement and debt collection agents to act on behalf of the Council and South Tyneside Homes.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
It is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 6 September 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Stuart Reid (Director of Business and Resources)
- 0191 424 7765
Procurement of System Diagnostic
The decision to be made on the reports
Agree the approach and sign of the procurement and contract award for the system diagnostic.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 6 September 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
Consultation with system partners, ICB and Sunderland City Council
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Nikki Carter
- 0191 424 7284
Internal Audit Annual Report 2022/23
The decision to be made on the reports
This report is for information only having previously been considered by Audit Committee who are responsible for this under the Constitution.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
Schedule 12A Local Government Act 1972: Part 1, Paragraph 3, Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 6 September 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
None - include as appendix to report
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Ian Pattison
- 0191 424 7760
Treasury Management Quarterly Report - 30 June 2023
The decision to be made on the reports
There is a requirement to report quarterly to the Executive on Treasury Management activity and on the exercise of delegated powers.
This report is for the quarter ended 30th June 2023.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
It is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 6 September 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
Treasury Management File
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Paul McCann (Head of Pensions)
- 0191 424 6545
Fuel Poverty Strategy
The decision to be made on the reports
Cabinet to agree the strategy and associated action plan as set out with the report.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
It is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 6 September 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
- Internal and external stakeholders
- Lead members - Cllr Dean and Cllr Foreman
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
- BEIS Sustainable Warmth - Protecting Vulnerable Households in England February 2021
- HM Government Cutting the cost
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Anna Milner
- 07526532305
Award of the NEPO 513 Legal Services Framework
The decision to be made on the reports
Approve the award of the Legal Services Framework Agreement, and, delegate authority to the Director of Governance and Corporate Affairs to award individual call off agreements as they are required.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
Schedule 12A Local Government Act 1972: Information Procedure Rules, Paragraph 13.3 and 13.4.4 Table 1 Category 3. Business affairs of Council and tendering organisations.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 6 September 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
NEPO has consulted with member authorities and prospective suppliers.
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
- Legal Framework Contract Strategy Document
- NEPO513 Outcomes Report
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Michelle Landels
Influencing Strategy Update
The decision to be made on the reports
This report provides an update to Cabinet on progress made on implementing the Influencing Strategy, designed to raise the profile of the borough amongst key influencers.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
It is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 6 September 2023
Council - 7 September 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
Consultation on the report will take place with directorates through the Policy Group, as well as through engagement with Lead Members (from the Comms & Engagement plans).
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Rory Sherwood-Parkin (Corporate Lead - Policy and Insight)
- 0781 2514191
Sustainable South Tyneside - Annual Update 2023
The decision to be made on the reports
Members are asked to note the information contained within this report in relation to emission reductions and delivery activities supporting the Council's target of carbon neutrality by 2030.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
It is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 7 September 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
Lead Member for Neighborhoods and Climate Change
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
South Tyneside Council's Climate Change strategy and action plan - Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Stuart Wright (Acting Director for Regeneration and Environment)
- 0191 424 7603
Carers Procurement
The decision to be made on the reports
To approve procurement of young and adult carers support service.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
It is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 4 October 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
Co-production and consultation has been held with residents, current providers, potential suppliers and practitioners and managers in social care and health
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Hazel Cuthbertson
- 0191 424 7478
Adult Social Local Account
The decision to be made on the reports
This report provides an overview of South Tyneside's Adult Social Care Local Account, a report that describes how ASC has support people over the financial year 22/23, identifying what has been achieved, improvements made and further areas of development.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
It is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 30 November 2023
The consultees/ consultation process
Background documents/ information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Peter Hunter
- 0191 424 7069