Haven Point


February half term pool timetables

View the Haven Point pool timetable for the Easter half term (Monday 14 to Sunday 27 April):

Main pool timetable

Learner pool timetable

Leisure waters timetable

How to book

You no longer need to book to use our swimming pools. 


View the swimming pool timetables:

Our pools

There are three pools available at Haven Point:

  • Main pool
  • Learner pool
  • Leisure waters

Main pool

The main pool is 25 metres in length and has 8 lanes.

Leisure waters

The Haven Point leisure waters include slides, sprays, a bubble spa and water play.

The leisure waters are open.

For information about swimming at our leisure centres, see Swimming.


Swim prices
AgeNon memberGet Active Discount CardGet Active Plus Discount Card
Under 5s£1.5065pn/a
Junior (up to 18 yrs) / OAP£4.80£3.20n/a
Adult (18 yrs+)£6.70£5.20£2.20
Family (2 adults and up to 4 children)£23.15£17.60£11.30
Spectator (must be accompanied by a paying customer)FreeFreeFree

Swimming lessons

Swim lessons
ActivityNon memberGet Active Discount Card*Get Active Plus Discount Card*
Swimming lessons£7.60£5.85n/a
Crash course£7.80£6.40n/a
Badges and certificates£3.65£3.65n/a
Spectator (must be accompanied by a paying customer)FreeFreeFree

If you would like to read about the different types of swimming lessons that are available; see swimming lesson stages before completing the application form.

Please make sure you have read our important information on swimming lessons before applying.

Pool hire (currently unavailable)

If you would like to hire any of our swimming pools, please ask at reception for details.


Find out about leisure memberships.