Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2013 - 14 Executive Summary

About this publication

This is a summary of South Tyneside's JSNA for 2013 - 2014 which identifies health and wellbeing needs of the borough.

It is a tool which helps provide partners with the information they need to agree priorities and plan interventions and services effectively to improve the lives of local people and meet the needs of South Tyneside's communities.

The JSNA brings together a wide variety of information relating to health, wellbeing and social care needs, and sets out the details of priorities which:

  • promote health and wellbeing;
  • promote inclusion and tackle health inequalities;
  • make sure that services are personal, sensitive to individual need and maintain independence and dignity;
  • brings all partners together to focus on commissioning services and interventions that will achieve better health and improve the quality of life of the people of South Tyneside.

Publishing information

From: Joint Strategic Needs and Assets Assessment (JSNAA)

Published: 17 March 2015


PDF: Joint Strategic Needs Assessment 2013 - 14 Executive Summary (PDF, 396 KB)

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