Older people (health and wellbeing needs in South Tyneside)
Felt Need and Expressed Need - What people say they want and request of services
Felt need and expressed need is what people say they want and request of service.
In 2022 South Tyneside undertook a baseline survey and follow up validation events based on the eight themes of the WHO age friendly communities.
1. Outdoor spaces and buildings
- Public spaces are easy to visit, green spaces are well looked after, and street lighting is generally good.
- Would like more benches, litter bins and toilets.
- Want to feel safer when out and about, with better footpath accessibility.
2. Transport
Some choose to drive because public transport can be problematic. Examples include:
- Difficulty booking a journey due to digital technology or a disability.
- Getting to the bus stop requires more places to sit or shelter.
- Journey quality varies because of changes to or their ability to read the timetables.
- Difficulties getting on, taking a seat, or knowing when to get off public transport.
3. Housing
- The majority would like to stay in their own home as they age but will need help to make it suitable and are not sure what help is available.
- A need to make better use of touch points to instigate future proofing.
- South Tyneside needs different types of housing in general, such as more family homes and bungalows.
4. Social participation
- There is a good range of affordable activities.
- Lots of supportive organisations.
- Would like more opportunity to contribute to what is going in the area.
- More opportunities to mix with others.
5. Respect and inclusion
- There are opportunities for younger people and older people to learn from each other.
- Not everyone can make their voice heard.
- Older people sometimes feel that others talk down to them or address their family / carer not them.
6. Civic participation
- There are opportunities to volunteer.
- There are educational classes but they to be at different times.
- Need more suitable employment opportunities for older people.
7. Communication and information
- There is information available, but there could be more.
- Information needs to be simple.
- Don't over rely on IT for everything.
8. Community and health
- Generally, a good sense of community but less pride in the area, than there once was.
- Shops generally make older people feel welcome, but there could be a better choice of shops.
- Can be hard to find out about entitlements.
- Can be hard to book a GP and dental appointment.
- Some people don't know how to find out what care is available.