Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments
Have your say
We would like your help to improve what is on offer in our local pharmacies by answering a few questions about the way you use them.
Your responses will help us understand what is needed in your community pharmacies now and in the future.
Thank you for your help.
The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) looks at the current provision of pharmacy services across South Tyneside and whether there are any potential gaps in service delivery. The Health and Social Care Act 2012 transferred the responsibility for developing and updating pharmaceutical needs assessments from Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) to Health & Wellbeing Boards with a requirement to publish the first PNA by 1 April 2015 and at minimum every three subsequent years.
The pharmaceutical needs assessment is used by NHS England in its consideration of applications to join the pharmaceutical list, and by commissioners of community pharmacy enhanced and locally commissioned services to make decisions on how to best meet the needs of the local population.
Current PNA
The current PNA: Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022