Domestic abuse (health and wellbeing needs in South Tyneside)
Executive Summary
The key findings from this JSNAA are summarised below:
- In domestic abuse incidents reported in South Tyneside 75% involve females and 25% males as the victim
- 3% of all reported incidents involve a victim from minority ethnic communities
- 2% of all reported incidents involved 16-17-year-old victims
- 12% of all incidents reported involved victims over the age of 55 yrs
- 77% of incidents reported involved a partner or ex-partner
- 45% of incidents reported involved children who were present or witnessed the abuse
- The highest proportion of incidents reported were in people living in the top 20% most deprived wards
- South Tyneside has 19 prolific offenders the Harm Reduction unit are involved with who are involved in a high number of incidents
- Alcohol is recorded in 56% of all reported incidents
Domestic abuse is persistent and widespread. It affects women, men and children of all ages, regardless of sexuality, ability or economic circumstance. Domestic abuse affects all family members, directly related, in-laws or step family.
Domestic abuse occurs on a significant scale and is acknowledged to reflect inequalities of power between genders, with violence against women and girls culturally embedded in different societal groups. This can include forms of family violence for example, cyclical inter-generational violence in families; forced marriage.
Honour based violence (HBV) can be described as a collection of practices, which are used to control behaviour within families or other social groups to protect perceived cultural and religious beliefs and / or honour. Such violence can occur when perpetrators perceive that a relative has shamed the family and/or community by breaking their honour code. CPS: Honor based violence and forced marriage
Domestic abuse can have a significant impact on women/ men's safety, wellbeing, confidence and housing situation. It also negatively affects children who witness domestic abuse or violence. Domestic abuse is the most common factor in situations where children are at risk of serious harm in England (Characteristics of children in need 2016-17, Department of Education and Skills) and can have a detrimental and long-lasting impact on a child's health, development, ability to learn and well-being. The definition of "harm to a child" includes "impairment suffered from seeing or hearing the ill-treatment of another" (Children Act 1989 as extended by the Adoption and Children Act 2002 (section 120)). Children who are harmed through witnessing domestic abuse or violence at home can therefore be in need of help and protection.
The Domestic Abuse Act 2021
Domestic abuse is defined in section 1 of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, and when referenced throughout the guidance should be interpreted as such. As set out in the Act, Domestic Abuse is defined as:
(1) Behaviour of a person ("A") towards another person ("B") is "domestic abuse" if a. A and B are each aged 16 or over and are personally connected to each other, and b. The behaviour is abusive.
(2) Behaviour is "abusive" if it consists of any of the following: a. Physical or sexual abuse. b. Violent or threatening behaviour c. Controlling or coercive behaviour. d. Economic abuse (see subsection (4)). e. Psychological, emotional, or other abuse. And it does not matter whether the behaviour consists of a single incident or a course of conduct.
(3) "Economic abuse" means any behaviour that has a substantial adverse effect on B's ability to a. Acquire, use, or maintain money or other property, or b. Obtain goods or services.
(4) For the purposes of this Part A's behaviour may be behaviour "towards" B despite the fact that it consists of conduct directed at another person (for example, B's child).
(5) References in this Part to being abusive towards another person are to be read in accordance with this section.
Defining Domestic Abuse
The Home Office definition of domestic abuse is "any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are, or have been, intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. This abuse can encompass but is not limited to: psychological; physical; sexual; financial; and emotional." (Information for Local Area on the definition of Domestic Violence and Abuse, Home Office, March 2013)
This includes controlling and coercive behaviours. Controlling behaviour is "a range of acts designed to make a person subordinate and/or dependent by isolating them from sources of support, exploiting their resources and capacities for personal gain, depriving them of the means needed for independence, resistance and escape and regulating their everyday behaviour." (Children Act 1989 as extended by the Adoption and Children Act 2002 (section 120))
Coercive behaviour is "an act or pattern of acts of assaults, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish or frighten their victim." (Children Act 1989 as extended by the Adoption and Children Act 2002 (section 120)) Under the Serious Crime Act 2015 (section 76); a new offence of 'controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate family relationship' came into force in December 2015.
Domestic Abuse is not an isolated issue and will often feature many other cross cutting issues such as substance misuse, mental health, crime, poverty and safeguarding to mention a few. As a result of this issue interfacing with a range of other health and care issue it is important to also cross reference to the JSNAA topics for those subjects listed below.
Related JSNAA topics:
- Poverty & child poverty
- Children in Need of Help and Protection
- Looked After Children
- Adult Safeguarding
- Early Help
- Mental Health
- Alcohol
- Substance misuse
- Sexual health
- Offenders
- Economy and Employment
- Education and Skills
Key issues
During 2017, Ofsted led a national Joint Targeted Area Inspection (JTAI) of domestic abuse. This sampled prevalence and practice in 6 local authority areas to develop a strong representative picture. The Inspectorates who were engaged in the review were:
- Ofsted (education and children's services)
- HMI Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS)
- HMI Probation (HMIP)
- Care Quality Commission (health services)
This multi-agency inspection assessed the response to domestic abuse across local areas, and across partnership services, including services which respond to crisis, act to protect victims and children, and work with perpetrators. The review concluded:
"...Domestic abuse is a widespread public health issue that needs a long-term strategy to reduce its prevalence.
The volume of activity that domestic abuse creates for agencies is so great that it requires sophisticated systems and well co-ordinated processes. Whilst agencies have overcome many of the problems associated with the volume of cases, the next step is for them to take a long-term approach towards the prevention and reduction of domestic abuse over time. This is more than a task for agencies individually; it requires a societal change on the conceptualisation of domestic abuse among professionals and between individuals in the public domain.
Accepted practice in tackling social problems is to prevent, protect and repair. Whilst much good work is being done to protect children and victims, far too little is being done to prevent domestic abuse and repair the damage it does." ((The Multi-Agency response to children living with domestic abuse, Ofsted, 19 September 2017))
The review closely reflects the key issues for South Tyneside:
- Domestic abuse affects thousands of lives every year, and absorbs a substantial volume of statutory and third sector resources
- The range of services is limited and predominantly focused on response rather than prevention
- Individually, agencies are not able to impact the prevalence of domestic abuse in the Borough. A well-coordinated multi agency approach is an essential foundation stone for change.
According to the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) year ending March 2020: showed that 5.5% of adults aged 16 to 74 years experienced domestic abuse in the last year in the year ending March 2020.
There was a 7% increase in the total number of domestic abuse-related offences recorded by the police in the year ending December 2020 (839,077 offences) compared with the previous year.
Domestic abuse-related offences have risen by 2% in the October to December 2020 period (to 205,348 offences) compared with October to December 2019 (201,158 offences). Unlike some other offences, the number of domestic abuse-related offences in the latest year has not decreased during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Domestic abuse in England and Wales overview: November 2020.
- an estimated 7.3% of women (1.6 million) and 3.6% of men (757,000) experienced domestic abuse in the last year
- women aged 16 to 19 years were more likely to be victims of any domestic abuse in the last year than women aged 25 years and over
- adults who were separated or divorced were more likely to have experienced domestic abuse compared with those who were married or civil partnered, cohabiting, single or widowed
The Crime Survey estimates of domestic abuse are based on a relatively broad definition covering male and female victims of partner or family nonphysical abuse, threats, force, sexual assault or stalking.
Of crimes recorded by the police:
- in the year ending March 2020, the victim was female in 74% of domestic abuse-related crimes
- between the year ending March 2017 and the year ending March 2019, 77% of victims of domestic homicide were female compared with 13% of victims of non-domestic homicide
A Research Report from the Home Office entitled "The Economic and Social costs of Domestic Abuse" (January 2019) estimated the social and economic cost of Domestic Abuse in the year ending March 2017 in England and Wales to be approximately £66 Billion. This equates to an average cost of £34,015 per victim of domestic abuse, including those who experience more than one incident. For South Tyneside this would equate to a cost of £29.5 million pounds to support 865 victims.
The biggest component of the estimated cost is the physical and emotional harms incurred by victims (£47 billion), particularly the emotional harms (the fear, anxiety and depression experienced by victims as a result of domestic abuse), which account for the overwhelming majority of the overall costs. The cost to the economy is also considerable, with an estimated £14 billion arising from lost output due to time off work and reduced productivity as a consequence of domestic abuse.
Some of the cost will be borne by Government such as the costs to health services (£2.3 billion) and the police (£1.3 billion). Some of the cost of victim services will also fall to Government, such as housing costs totalling £550 million, which includes temporary housing, homelessness services and repairs and maintenance. Victim services costs also include expenditure by charities and the time given up by volunteers to support victims. (The Economic and Social Cost of Domestic Abuse, Research Report, January 2019)
The table below estimates the cost of domestic abuse in South Tyneside using the incident figures for 2017 / 18 and the cost per victim calculated by the Home Office report referenced above. This method has limited reliability but does provide a bench-mark estimate which suggests that the cost of domestic abuse in South Tyneside is approx. £83.5m per annum.
Cost of domestic abuse | Cost per victim (Home Office estimates, 2016/17) | South Tyneside cost (2,453 victims in 2017/18) | South Tyneside Cost (2412 victims in 2020/21) |
Physical and emotional harm | £24,300 | £59,607,900 | £58,611,600 |
Economic cost | £7,245 | £17,771,985 | £17,474,940 |
Health services | £1,200 | £2,943,600 | £2,894,400 |
Victim services | £370 | £907,610 | £892,440 |
Police costs | £645 | £1,582,185 | £1,555,740 |
Criminal legal costs | £170 | £417,010 | £2,420 |
Civil legal costs | £70 | £171,710 | £168,840 |
Anticipation costs | £5 | £12,265 | £12,060 |
Other | £5 | £12,265 | £12,060 |
TOTAL ESTIMATED COST | £34,015 | £83,438,795 | £81,624,500 |
One of the key issues is a low level of reporting; it is estimated that only around 1 in 6 domestic abuse victims will report their abuse to the police. This has implications for agencies being able to protect the victims and their families, and also results in an underestimation of the demand for services and total costs to the system. (The Economic and Social Cost of Domestic Abuse, Research Report, January 2019)
South Tyneside local context
Similar to the North East region and national data, females are more likely to be victims of domestic abuse than males with a 75% to 25% gender split. This has remained a fairly consistent position over the last few years.
The total number of victims within 2020 / 21 is XX and of those victims approximately 3% are people from minority ethnic backgrounds. This is similar to the rest of the North East and the national picture. However, it should be noted that this figure could be an underestimate due to a lack of reporting within certain ethnic groups.
Among the victims approx. 1.5% - 2% are aged 16 - 17 years, again similar to the north east picture, and approx. 12% of those victims are over the age of 55, which suggests the highest proportion of victims occur between the ages of 18-54 yrs, which is reflected nationally.
The total number of domestic abuse incidents for 2020 / 21 in South Tyneside was 2,412. Within all domestic abuse incidents reported approx. 77% involve a partner or ex-partner, and 45% involved children.
Domestic Homicide Reviews
Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHR) were established on a statutory basis under Section 9 of the Domestic Violence, Crime and Adults Act 2004. They came into effect in April 2011.
The process for a DHR is a multi-agency review of circumstances in which the death of a person aged 16 or above, has or appears to have resulted from violence, abuse or neglect by a person whom he or she had been in an intimate personal relationship with or a member of the same household.
Across the Northumbria patch, in the last decade between 2011 and October 2021 there have been a total of 40 DHR of which South Tyneside had 4.
The purpose of the review is to:
- work together to safeguard victims
- identify any lessons learned
- identify how those lessons will be acted upon and what expected change would be seen a result
- applying those lessons to service responses to change policies and procedures
- prevent further domestic homicides and improve service response
The responsibility for DHR in South Tyneside sits with the Community Safety Partnership Board.
Name of Council Ward | Total per Ward |
Simonside and Rekendyke Ward | 1475 |
Beacon and Bents Ward | 1238 |
Biddick and All Saints Ward | 1142 |
Primrose Ward | 918 |
Hebburn North Ward | 782 |
Whiteleas Ward | 751 |
Bede Ward | 682 |
Boldon Colliery Ward | 670 |
Monkton Ward | 665 |
Cleadon Park Ward | 621 |
Fellgate and Hedworth Ward | 615 |
Hebburn South Ward | 583 |
Horsley Hill Ward | 570 |
West Park Ward | 566 |
Westoe Ward | 530 |
Harton Ward | 482 |
Whitburn and Marsden Ward | 289 |
Cleadon and East Boldon Ward | 152 |
Grand Total | 12731 |
Within the Borough there are links with domestic Abuse crime incidents and deprivation. The table below reflects the total number of incidents between 2016-2021 by ward.
Domestic Abuse Offenders
Southern Harm reduction unit focus on the most frequent repeat eliminated domestic abuse offenders and by extension their victim(s). The current cohort of repeat eliminated domestic abuse offenders is 41 across Sunderland and South Tyneside. South Tyneside have 19 repeat offenders. Key data shows that there have been 225 domestic abuse incidents associated with these 19 offenders in 2020.
- Across the total of their domestic abuse histories, this cohort have been involved in 1017 domestic violence incidents as both victim and perpetrator
- On average this cohort has been involved in 56 incidents
- 8 of the cohort are alcohol dependant or have been arrested under the influence of alcohol
- 2 of the cohort have suffered recent significant near-death medical episodes due to alcohol misuse and will require long term medical care, maybe even permanently
Drug & Alcohol & domestic Abuse incidents
South Tyneside has an estimated 2,399 alcohol dependent drinkers. This represents 19.26 dependent drinkers per 1,000 population (Northumbria average: 16.94, England average 12.88). This is the second highest rate in Northumbria, behind only Sunderland.
22.3% of drinkers in South Tyneside report binge drinking in the past year (Northumbria average: 22.6%, England average 16.5%)
Alcohol was identified as a factor on average in 56% of all domestic abuse incidents.
Data research in identifying the national picture in relation to the role of alcohol in domestic abuse in England was difficult, however some studies reported as follows
Drinkaware reported that: According to police records in England and Wales, between April 2017 and March 2018, victims believed their perpetrator(s) to be under the influence of alcohol in 39% of violent incidents
Research by the Institute of Alcohol Studies found: Alcohol is well documented as a risk factor for many aggressive and violent acts; indeed around 60% of murders are committed under the influence of alcohol.
In terms of domestic abuse, research typically finds that between 25% and 50% of perpetrators have been drinking at the time of assault, although in some studies the figure is as high as 73%.
Research with police officers in the North East of England found some officers unable to remember the last time they went to a domestic incident where alcohol was not involved, with 93% of them regarding alcohol as having a 'large impact' on domestic violence.
Cases involving severe violence are twice as likely as others to include alcohol, and other research found that the risk of rape was twice as high for attacks involving drinking offenders.
Policy drivers
National priorities:
The Domestic Abuse Act ((Government publishes landmark domestic abuse bill, 2019)) was published in 2021 with the aim of supporting victims and their families, whilst also pursuing offenders. The new legislation includes:
- The introduction of the first ever statutory government definition of domestic abuse to specifically include economic abuse and controlling and manipulative non-physical abuse - this will enable everyone, including victims themselves, to understand what constitutes abuse and will encourage more victims to come forward.
- Establishing a Domestic Abuse Commissioner to drive the response to domestic abuse issues.
- Introducing new Domestic Abuse Protection Notices and Domestic Abuse Protection Orders to further protect victims and place restrictions on the actions of offenders.
- Prohibiting the cross-examination of victims by their abusers in the family courts.
- Providing automatic eligibility for special measures to support more victims to give evidence in the criminal court.
Through consultation with victims, survivors, organisations and professionals, four main priorities were identified to underpin the Domestic Abuse Bill. Each priority places prevention and protection at the centre of the implementation process:
- Promote awareness - to put domestic abuse at the top of everyone's agenda and raise public and professional awareness.
- Protect and support - to enhance the safety of victims and the support that they receive.
- Transform the justice process - to prioritise victim safety in the criminal and family courts and review the perpetrator journey from identification to rehabilitation.
- Improve performance - to drive consistency and better performance in the response to domestic abuse across all local areas, agencies and sectors.
Furthermore, a key component of the proposal includes, for first time ever, a legal duty placed on local authorities to deliver support to survivors of domestic abuse in accommodation-based services, backed by funding to place services on a sustainable footing. This new requirement will end the variation across the country in support for those fleeing domestic abuse.
In March 2016, the Home Office published its 2016-20 strategy to end violence against women and girls (VAWG). Until the proposals within the draft Domestic Abuse Bill are made in legislative practice, the following priorities adopted within this strategy are to be utilised as guidance in relation to law, which are:
- Preventing violence and abuse
- Provision of services
- Partnership working
- Pursuing perpetrators
This set out the vision for 2020 in relation to violence against women and girls:
- There is a significant reduction in the number of VAWG victims, achieved by challenging the deep-rooted social norms, attitudes and behaviours that discriminate against and limit women and girls, and by educating, informing and challenging young people about healthy relationships, abuse and consent;
- All services make early intervention and prevention a priority, identifying women and girls in need before a crisis occurs, and intervening to make sure they get the help they need for themselves and for their children;
- Women and girls will be able to access the support they need, when they need it, helped by the information they need to make an informed choice;
- Specialist support, including accommodation-based support, will be available for the most vulnerable victims, and those with complex needs will be able to access the services they need;
- Services in local areas will work across boundaries in strong partnerships to assess and meet local need, and ensure that services can spot the signs of abuse in all family members and intervene early;
- Women will be able to disclose experiences of violence and abuse across all public services, including the NHS. Trained staff in these safe spaces will help people access specialist support whether as victims or as perpetrators;
- Elected representatives across England and Wales will show the leadership, political will and senior accountability necessary to achieve the necessary change, and will champion efforts to tackle these crimes;
- Everyone in a local area will be able to hold their elected leaders to account through clear data on how local need is being met;
- There will be a lower level of offending through an improved criminal justice response and a greater focus on changing the behaviour of perpetrators through a combination of disruption and support; and
- A stronger evidence base of what works, and victim safety, will be embedded into all interventions to protect victims of VAWG.
Please note the strategy is being reviewed.
The Government's 2018 Victims Strategy aims to ensure support for all victims of crime is improved, which includes;
- Strengthening the Victims' Code, and consult on the detail of victim focused legislation, including strengthening the powers of the Victims' Commissioner, and delivering a Victims' Law;
- Holding agencies to account for compliance with the Victims' Code through improved reporting, monitoring and transparency;
- Improving victim support for reporting crimes and the court process
National funding has been announced to support the legislation, priorities and strategies highlighted above. In 2016 £80 million of dedicated funding was identified to provide core support for refuges and other accommodation-based services, rape support centres and national helplines. A further £20 million was announced in the 2017 Spring Budget, including a £8m fund to support children who witness domestic abuse; £2m to support female offenders who have been victims and £2m to support hospital trusts to direct domestic abuse victims to appropriate services. The Government has also ring-fenced a Domestic Abuse Fund of £18.8 million in 2018-2020 to support the provision of accommodation-based support services and the local reforms needed to meet the Priorities for Domestic Abuse Services.
Local policy
To meet the priorities which underpin the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 given above, there is a national expectation that local authorities will provide a JSNA, domestic abuse strategy including intentions to commission services which:
- Ensure that no victim is turned away from the support they need at the time they need it, including those with children, through understanding the risks they face and the full extent of their need to keep them safe and promote their long-term safety and wellbeing.
- Put the victim first, by providing flexible services that meet their needs, including enabling them to make their own choices and to live independently and safely as soon as possible.
- Respond to the needs of diverse groups, including those with complex needs, those from isolated and / or marginalised communities, people from ethnic minority backgrounds, LGBT, disabled, young (aged 16-18) and older victims, offenders, and children of victims.
- Meet the needs of victims from within and outside the local area, recognising that many victims move from their local area to be safe.
- Take a strategic approach to service commissioning, based on data about need and evidence of what works.
- Establish and continue effective, collaborative partnership working, including between commissioners and specialist domestic abuse services.
- Be led by clear, accountable local leadership, joining up across agencies and areas to provide better services and pooling budgets for maximum flexibility.
The newly established South Tyneside Domestic Abuse Strategic Partnership Board is accountable for the Borough's strategy to tackle Domestic Abuse in line with the new requirements of the Act.
The domestic abuse strategy is currently being revised for sign off in October 2021, in response to the duties outlined within the ACT (2021) largely based on the four pillars within the National Violence against Women and Girls Strategy. The priority areas include;
- Cultural shift in attitudes and behaviours
- Prevention
- Provision of services and support
- Engaging Perpetrators
- Partnership Working
The South Tyneside Domestic Abuse Strategic Partnership Board (STDBSPB) will be accountable for overseeing the implementation and monitoring of the strategy and commissioning intensions. The Board is made up of key partners with clear lines of governance.
The partnership has a duty to produce and publish a strategy to outline how South Tyneside will address the duties set out within the Act (2021).
Data and intelligence will be utilised from consultations with the public, business community and partner agencies and are regularly reviewed this to ensure that we are focusing on the right things at the right time. There will be dedicated involvement from victims and the voice of the child within the Board and working group to ensure they are involved in all stages or the work.
Those at risk
In the year ending March 2020, nationally the victim was female in 74% of domestic abuse-related crimes. This is similar to the South Tyneside picture with 75 % of victims being female and 25% being male.
Nationally 13.8 % of males and 27.4% of females in 2019 / 20 experienced domestic abuse since they were 16 yrs. This equates to 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men experiencing domestic abuse at some point in their life between the age of 16 to 74 yrs.
For the year ending March 2020, the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) estimated that 1.6 million women and 757,000 men aged 16 to 74 (Characteristics of children in need 2016-17, Department of Education and Skills) years experienced domestic abuse in the last year.
The total number of victims in South Tyneside for 2020 / 21 was 865, of which 649 victims were females and 216 were males. Of those victims approximately 2% were aged 16 - 17 years, 86% were 18 - 54 years old, and 12% were over 55 yrs.
Office for National Statistics: Domestic Abuse in England and Wales data
ManKind: Male victims of domestic abuse and partner abuse: 55 key facts
Children and Young People Affected by Domestic Abuse
- Children living in households affected by domestic abuse
Evidence has shown that particular Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are strongly related to the development and prevalence of a wide range of health problems throughout a person's life. ACEs are traumatic events which affect children while growing up, such as suffering child maltreatment or living in a household affected by domestic violence, substance misuse or mental illness. (Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), website, 2019)
ACEs have been found to have lifelong impacts on health and behaviour and they are relevant to all sectors and involve all of us in society. We all have a part to play in preventing adversity and raising awareness of ACEs. Research has found that those with 4 or more ACES are more likely to;
- Have been in prison
- Develop heart disease
- Frequently visit the GP
- Develop type 2 diabetes
- Have committed violence in the last 12 months
- Have health-harming behaviours (high-risk drinking, smoking, drug use). (Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), website, 2019)
Child/ adolescent to parent violence
Child / adolescent to parent violence is a growing issue in families across the country and is a form of Domestic Abuse.
It is under reported often due to the embarrassment of parents / carers to disclose or identify it is happening or because they do not receive an appropriate response from some professionals who may be quick to judge their parenting skills.
In February 2019, the South Tyneside Community Safety Team, Safeguarding Children's Board and Safeguarding Adult's Board delivered awareness sessions on the topic of Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse.
Following this, South Tyneside Council and Northumbria Police, in partnership with RESPECT, are progressing with further specialist practitioner training and awareness raising activity regionally.
Reduce Instances of Domestic Abuse and the impact on families
- Domestic Abuse incidents - up 3.3% at April - June 2021 vs 2020
- Domestic Abuse incidents involving children - up 16% at April - June 2021 vs 2020
Impact in Social Care
- Contacts / Refs due to DV (Domestic Violence) Contacts up 60.3% and referrals up 56.7% at April - June 2021 vs 2020
- Assessments involving DV as a factor up 13.3% between April - June 2021 vs 2020
Domestic Abuse incidents reported by Northumbria Police are up 3.3% against the last financial year in South Tyneside: Q1 2021/22 is higher than Q1 2020/21 (1207 in 21/22 compared to 1169 20/21) so getting worse. Difficult to compare data post and pre Sept 2019 due to changed recording practices, but recent data indicates trend of increase in incidents (4219 in 17/18, 4263 in 18/19, 4777 in 19/20, 4515 in 20/21) but at the same time also indicates improved reporting. [source: Corporate Assurance scorecard].
Domestic Abuse incidents involving Children reported by the Police - has also increased by 16% in South Tyneside against last year for the 1st Quarter. 609 in 21/22 v 525 in 20 / 21
Impact on Social Care
We know Domestic Abuse has been a real cause for concern throughout Covid lockdown when families were at home for long periods of time.
The Number of Overall referrals into Children's Social Care is up 59.9% on year end 20/21 and up 98.8% at April -June 2021 v 2020.
For Domestic Abuse Contacts up 60.3% and Referrals up 56.7% at April -June 2021 v 2020 which is Worse than the same period last year
Overall CFSC Assessments up 57.2% at April-June 2021 v 2020 Assessments involving DVas a factor up 13.3% at April-June 2021 v 2020 which is Worse than the same period last year.
CFSC - demand is 60% higher than same time period last year - 367 Domestic abuse contacts and 94 Domestic Abuse Referrals.
In the period April to June 2021 there were 136 completed assessments with Domestic Abuse factors.
Week Commencing | Total ccn's | CCN's feat DA | % | Total domestic abuse | DA with acn | % |
31.05.21 | 151 | 68 | 45% | 113 | 15 | 13% |
24.05.21 | 132 | 51 | 39% | 90 | 15 | 17% |
17.05.21 | 141 | 56 | 40% | 88 | 14 | 16% |
10.05.21 | 115 | 37 | 32% | 68 | 9 | 13% |
03.05.21 | 118 | 49 | 42% | 80 | 10 | 13% |
26.04.21 | 118 | 37 | 31% | 80 | 16 | 20% |
19.04.21 | 119 | 54 | 45% | 96 | 9 | 9% |
12.04.21 | 113 | 49 | 42% | 96 | 13 | 14% |
05.04.21 | 103 | 43 | 42% | 83 | 11 | 13% |
29.03.21 | 140 | 47 | 34% | 91 | 7 | 8% |
22.03.21 | 117 | 43 | 37 | 75 | 10 | 13% |
15.03.21 | 135 | 50 | 37% | 81 | 7 | 9% |
08.03.21 | 126 | 43 | 34% | 75 | 10 | 13% |
22.02.21 | 104 | 36 | 35% | 66 | 8 | 12% |
15.02.21 | 141 | 60 | 43% | 97 | 13 | 13% |
08.02.21 | 98 | 36 | 37% | 81 | 19 | 23% |
01.02.21 | 96 | 33 | 34% | 72 | 13 | 18% |
25.01.21 | 111 | 39 | 35% | 73 | 11 | 15% |
18.01.21 | 85 | 38 | 45% | 77 | 13 | 17% |
11.01.21 | 103 | 50 | 49% | 99 | 9 | 9% |
04.01.21 | 104 | 41 | 39% | 79 | 9 | 11% |
Voice of the Child and Young Person
The Youth Parliament as part of their Make your Mark national Ballot in 2020 voted for Domestic Abuse to be the focus of their campaign.
To launch their campaign STYPP designed a survey for secondary school students and teaching staff in both primary and secondary schools. The purpose of the survey was to find out what students and teaching staff already know about 'Domestic Abuse' and if there are any gaps in their knowledge and the support available.
A total of 567 pupils and 187 staff responded to the survey. The Youth Parliament have analysed the results into a report along with a number of actions they would take to address the findings.
A summary of the key findings from the survey is below;
- 66% of pupils and 68% of Staff knew a little about domestic abuse
- 25% of pupils felt they had received enough education on domestic abuse
- 29% of staff had received training for domestic abuse in the last 3 years
- 47% of pupils and 36% of staff would not know what to do if they knew someone was experiencing domestic abuse
- 41% of pupils and 51% of staff were aware of domestic abuse services and support available
- 24% of pupils and 21% of staff said something would stop them from reporting domestic abuse, with fear for the person involved being the main reason
Its clear from the summary of the results that knowledge and awareness of domestic abuse and how to respond can be improved. The Youth Parliament have developed a range of actions to address awareness, knowledge gaps, information about services, local data and reporting procedures. These actions will be incorporated into the overall domestic abuse strategy for south Tyneside.
South Tyneside Young People's Parliament
Older Person
Information on older people and domestic abuse is limited, with the national crime survey only collecting data up to the age of 74 yrs. Age UK nationally are campaigning to have no age limit.
Age UK reported in April 2020 that 280,000 adults between the age of 60-74 yrs experienced domestic abuse in the last 12 months. However, given data is only collected for those 74 yrs and below this could be higher. Also, one in five homicide's involved adults 60 yrs and above. Older people are equally likely to die by the actions of their partner / Spouse and they are by their older children or grandchildren.
It is likely that domestic abuse within older people is under reported due to the individual being reliant on their abuser financially or to assist with care.
Age UK have raised awareness of abuse that can occur within a relationship, between an adult child and parents, or by a carer.
Age UK: The Hidden Face of Domestic Abuse
Age UK: Older people and domestic abuse
Pregnancy and birth
Pregnancy and birth can lead to changes in the pattern and severity of domestic abuse, and NICE publishes a range of guidance around diagnosis and response to working with mothers experiencing domestic abuse.
Domestic violence during pregnancy endangers both the pregnant woman and her unborn child. It increases the risk of:
- Miscarriage
- Infection
- Premature birth
- Low birth weight
- Fetal injury
- Still birth
- Over a third of domestic violence starts or gets worse when a woman is pregnant.
- 15% of women report violence during their pregnancy.
- 40%-60% of women experiencing domestic violence are abused while pregnant.
- More than 14% of maternal deaths occur in women who have told their health professional they are in an abusive relationship
The Royal College of Midwifes along with a number of other organisations signed up to the five R's when asking about domestic abuse. The guidance was particularly adopted during lockdown by professionals when women may have been seen virtually rather than face to face, to ensure women could share information in a safe way either via telephone or online.
The five R's include;
- Recognise and ask
- Respond
- Risk assess
- Refer
- Record
The guidance also equipped professionals with a range of additional support networks.
In addition to this resource, and IDVA is hosted within the South Tyneside and Sunderland Foundation Trust to work in both Maternity and A & E to identify and support anyone at risk. The post is funded by the CCG.
Men and women who are disabled are more likely to be a victim of partner abuse than those who not disabled. 7.5% of disabled men and 14.7% of disabled women experienced domestic abuse in 2020. Compared to those with no disabilities, the figures are 2.1% for men and 4.6% for women.
5.6% of men and 10% of women who stated they were disabled were victims of partner abuse in 2020. 4.1% of disabled men and 5.6% of disabled women were involved in domestic abuse from a Family member.
In 2015 Public Health England published a report indicating that disabled people experience disproportionately higher rates of domestic abuse. They also experience domestic abuse for longer periods of time, and more severe and frequent abuse than non-disabled people.
The differences between genders in experiences of domestic abuse are similar among disabled people. Disabled women are significantly more likely to experience domestic abuse than disabled men and experience more frequent and more severe domestic abuse than disabled men.
People with disabilities may also experience domestic abuse in wider contexts and more often from significant others, including intimate partners, family members, personal care assistants and health care professionals.
Disabled people encounter differing dynamics of domestic abuse, which may include more severe coercion, control or abuse from carers. Abuse can also happen when someone withholds, destroys or manipulates medical equipment, access to communication, medication, personal care, meals and transportation.
Stonewall's research shows that one in four lesbian and bi women have experienced domestic abuse in a relationship. Two thirds of those say the perpetrator was a woman, a third a man.
Almost half (49%) of all gay and bi men have experienced at least one incident of domestic abuse from a family member or partner since the age of 16.
There is limited research on how many transgender people experience domestic abuse in the UK, and the best studies have small group samples. However, these figures suggest it is a significant issue. A report by the The Scottish Transgender Alliance indicates that 80% of transgender people had experienced emotional, sexual, or physical abuse from a partner or ex-partner.
GALOP, the LGBTQ+ anti-violence charity, state that while transgender and cisgender people may face similar patterns of abuse, many transgender survivors also face specific forms of abuse related to their transgender identity. (Supporting Trans Women in domestic and sexual violence services, 2018)
The percentage of gay men (6.0%) or bi-sexual men (7.3%) who suffered domestic abuse in 2020 is more than for heterosexual men (3.5%). Lesbian women (12.2%) and bisexual women (19.6%) as a percentage are more likely to be a victim of domestic abuse compared to heterosexual women (6.9%).
Minority Ethnic Communities
Women with a minority ethnic background can experience greater challenges in seeking support for domestic abuse due to religious or cultural isolation, or barriers due to language or migration status.
5.7% of white women were likely to experience domestic abuse in the last 12 months (2020) compared to 3.7% of Asian women and 3.7% black women. However, it is likely this could be higher for Asian and black women due to under reporting.
Women across all ethnic groups are also likely to experience domestic abuse more than men from the same ethnic groups.
Culturally specific
Domestic violence can be perpetrated by immediate or extended family members and may be referred to as 'culturally specific', such as dowry related abuse, forced marriages, female genital mutilation, and 'honour' violence.
However, it is important to recognise that communities and families of all ethnic and cultural origins have codes of behaviour for men and women which may create more permissible conditions for domestic abuse to occur. In South Tyneside, there are families and communities in whom the "usual" range of verbal, physical and emotional expression includes aggression, violence and control.
Housing and Accommodation
Domestic abuse incidents are more likely to occur in those living within social housing (9%) or private renting (6.6%) rather than those who own their home (4.3%). Women are also more likely to be affected than males (2020). Incidents are also higher in accommodation situation within the 20% most deprived areas (7.3%) compared to the 20% least deprived (3.9%). This is consistent with the table outlining the location of incidents by ward within South Tyneside.
It is critical that lifesaving accommodation is available to victims and their children experiencing abuse, to rebuild their lives and recover from traumatic events. It's important that the Local Authority assess for need for all victims, to ensure the right types of accommodation and wrap around support is available.
Not all victims will need access to safe accommodation such as a refuge, but it is important that a range of types of accommodation and support offers will assist people to remain safe in their own home, relocated into another property of support to seek refuge.
Refuge places are very limited and difficult to source. General housing is not a major issue but having it located in a safe space, with additional hardening, close to schools / employment may present us with challenges.
As we are only a small borough, it is difficult to keep survivors safe and it may be that they need to be moved several times.
For individuals with complex needs such as those with substance misuse and/or mental health issues it is often difficult to provide appropriate accommodation with relevant support.
Current commissioned services are Places for People refuge and Changing Lives.
South Tyneside
- Over last three full financial years we had 532 households approach the service with domestic Abuse as their reason for homelessness, this equates to 177 per year on average.
- This represents 6.8% of our homeless presentations, but this has fallen in 20 / 21 (not sure of the impact of Covid and whether this year will show a significant rise)
- Significant numbers of these cases were closed, generally due to lost contact or disengagement from the resident; about 15% of presentation were closed
- One-fifth of the presentations were prevented from homelessness (although data is not good enough to ascertain whether this was due to alternative accommodation being identified or resident being able to remain within their current home)
- 92.3% of presentations were by women
- Males presenting tended to be 25 - 35 years old
- Woman 25 - 44 years
13% of men (61% women) who are rough sleepers is due to partner abuse (85% of all rough sleepers are male). Due to the gender proportions of rough sleepers, this means more men (in volume terms) sleep rough due to partner abuse than women - far too many of any gender. Extrapolating the Government figures on the number of rough sleepers, this equates to 300 men in the Autumn of 2020.
Service User Perspective & Experience
Service user engagement has been held with 37 service users from Places for people and impact Family Services to gather their views on accessing the services. Key themes included:
- Engagement with Services - Non judgemental
- Access to Housing
- Domestic Abuse Awareness / Knowledge / Safety Planning
- Ability to Escape / Have a Place of Safety
- Independence
- Substance Misuse / Mental Health Support
- Friendship / Peers
Quotes from Service Users on the Benefits
- "Getting more information about domestic abuse and realising it wasn't my fault. I wasn't judged by my worker."
- "... I wasn't judged by anyone."
- "I hope that South Tyneside Homes will support me with priority housing."
- Domestic Abuse Awareness / Knowledge / Safety Planning
- "I feel well informed, I have my voice back and I can take control, I now have my freedom back and I feel confident."
- "I learned so many things about life, planning for the future, healthy relationships and managing my finances and tenancy."
- "I have nightmares and flashbacks. I'm still scared and don't think I will ever have another relationship, but the team still help me and will help me get a home of my own which will help everything else."
- "It gave us the space to get away from an abusive relationship, I was given breathing space and supported to start a new life."
- "They helped me live free from fear and abuse."
- "Without them, I would still be in the hostel, getting bullied and wanting to die."
- "... helped me with it all, my appointments, housing, drugs, the abuse, helping me mentally - which meant the most."
- "I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for your services."
- "The best part was being able to speak to other victims during Freedom and tell my story. I found this better than speaking to my counsellor one to one."
- "I have made six good friends; we still meet up and the bond is strong."
Quotes from Service users about the Challenges
- "It's took a long time for my housing application and was told different information by different people. I also had to hand in documents more than once and call up more than once for permissions to be added to my application. This has held me back from moving on quicker."
- "I have had to wait so long for mental health services which has been hard."
- "COVID had an impact due to no visitors in the refuge, so I felt lonely and isolated from my family."
- "I would have liked to meet my worker each week instead of it being over the telephone."
- "I was offered a viewing during Ramadan which was a struggle for me due to fasting and living with 2 children ...."
- "My partner doesn't understand Domestic abuse and is now a victim himself due to my ex-partners ongoing abuse."
- "I still think cos I am a man I wasn't taken seriously."
- "I can't go into a refuge as refused to leave my pets with my ex."
- "I feel services don't get enough funding to be able to help victims with things like getting properties safe and secure."
Quotes from Service users on improvements that could be made
- "More funding is needed in different areas like education, security, furnishing houses and removal costs."
- Services for male people including new partners of victims of Domestic Abuse are needed."
- ".... therapy, maybe some group therapy so women could meet other people going through the same thing."
- "I feel like a second-class citizen being a male victim, I had to jump through hoops with many services. Gender equality definitely needs looking at."
- "More awareness courses and more interaction with others in the same situation."
- "Pets should be able to stay with you in a refuge."
- "More groups, housing, support for mental health and substance."
- "More services that can help different types of people. One size doesn't fit all."
- "More housing options. I stayed longer than I should have cos of this."
- "Better access to counselling."
- "More done to stop abusers getting away with it."
Local Action and Challenges
Gaining a comprehensive picture of the extent of domestic abuse in South Tyneside is challenging for a number of reasons:
- Domestic abuse is under-reported and therefore incidents are not always recorded.
- Agencies collect data based on their requirements, collating different measures (for example, the Police record incidents of abuse, whilst Children's Social Care Services record children affected).
- Third sector providers do not collate information on a consistent basis as their contact numbers reflect their service offer. Due to the nature of domestic abuse, agencies in South Tyneside may be contacted by individuals from other boroughs.
- There is a strongly co-occurring relationship between domestic abuse, alcohol and drug use and mental health. The term "Toxic Trio" is used to describe these co-occurring issues, which can only be understood in a broader public health context.
The pattern of incidents in South Tyneside suggests that need is significant, particularly bearing in mind that incidence is under-reported.
The hidden nature of domestic abuse means that by the time it comes to the attention of the police, there are likely to have been other incidents. This suggests that a significant proportion of domestic abuse is part of a bigger picture and relationship/ family history, rather than a single incident.
Health and wellbeing needs of victims
The Home Office report "The Social and Economic Costs of Domestic Abuse" (2019) identified that different types of domestic violence and abuse will likely impact on a person's health and wellbeing in different ways. For example, victims of domestic stalking are more likely to suffer from depression and/or anxiety, and there are likely significant psychological impacts of emotional abuse such as controlling and coercive behaviour.
Physical injuries are often experienced by victims of domestic violence and rape. For example, the report predicts that around 10% of victims of violence with injury will suffer broken bones, and almost 40% will suffer from severe bruising.
In relation to emotional harms, the report predicts that around 70% of victims of domestic stalking will suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, and around 53% of victims of violence with injury will suffer from depression. People who experience violence without injury are also likely to suffer from depression and anxiety (around 22% and 27% respectively).
Accommodation needs
Tackling domestic abuse is not only a corporate priority but it can also be directly linked to strategic priorities within the Integrated Housing Strategy, which focuses on balancing the housing market and preventing homelessness across the borough. Domestic Abuse remains one of the greatest reasons for homeless presentations within South Tyneside, and although we are very effective in rehousing survivors we need to be more proactive at preventing homelessness as we recognise the importance of tackling the root causes of domestic abuse through supporting survivors and educating perpetrators.
The Integrated Housing Strategy makes a commitment to review all domestic abuse service, ensure commissioning of effective and supportive services in the borough and ensuring that services and advice is consistent throughout the borough. The council have recently set-up a domestic abuse review group, which is a cross-departmental cohort who will focus services in a more coordinated and holistic way. This will cover all aspects of domestic abuse, including financial abuse.
South Tyneside Homes have committed to DAHA accreditation, which will include the reviewing of policies and related documents, training of staff following gap analysis and ensuring that there is corporate buy-in to this agenda. This accreditation programme has been developed with social housing providers in mind; however Local Authorities and wider stakeholders are likely to get involved within the process and result in effective signposting and joined up services in the borough. The implementation of this accreditation was agreed at a sub-regional level with neighbouring authorities to ensure a consistent approach and a cross-authority protocol when it is beneficial and in the best interest of the survivor.
The sub-regional Domestic Abuse Coordinator group have been successful in gaining finance from central government to provide outreach services to some of our most complex and vulnerable survivors of DA; this project will be monitored carefully and where demonstrable outcomes can be identified services will be tailored accordingly. One element of this project is to analyse positive practice and learn from other areas and the way in which they are tackling DA; again, this review will assist in shaping services in the future.
Children and young people
Children were present or involved in 44% of incidents in South Tyneside in 2017 / 18. Domestic abuse can look different in different families, and some children will have been exposed to an on-going level of incidents, which will directly shape their understanding of relationship and gender roles.
In February 2017, Children's Social Care undertook a review of every case open to the service under the category of "Abuse and neglect". This concluded that domestic abuse is a factor in 49% of children's experience when referred. In 2016, there were 1940 referrals to Children's Social Care, and the profile indicates that 950 of these children would have domestic abuse as part of their experience of family life.
Schools are supporting children affected by domestic abuse through Operation Encompass, which aims to safeguard and support children and young people who have been involved in a domestic abuse incident. Following an incident at home, children will often arrive at school distressed, upset and unprepared for the day. Northumbria Police and South Tyneside Council are working with schools and academies across South Tyneside to make sure that schools are able to offer support and guidance to children who may be experiencing domestic abuse in their home.
Additionally, Operation Encompass Next Steps is a new Northumbria Police and Council driven scheme of work in schools that educates children and young people and promotes healthy and respectful relationships. All schools within South Tyneside are signed up to this programme.
Support is also available through the Early Help team in South Tyneside, a family-orientated intervention service that works closely with families to provide the right support at the right time.
In 2021 Children's Social Care have established a new service to support families open to social care with domestic abuse.
Unmet needs
Third sector service providers in the Borough report that levels of demand for their services which far outstrip their capacity to respond. The experience of these organisations is important as people may contact them when they do not contact statutory services. Demand for domestic abuse services in South Tyneside has been rising steadily over recent years.
We know that different agencies are working with families and individuals where abuse is an issue, but approaches to monitoring are not consistent between agencies and we are unable to establish what the overlap in population groups is. Given the known prevalence of domestic abuse, and the resources absorbed by the range of agencies who respond, understanding the pattern and types of abuse across the Borough, is a priority. Putting in place a more holistic approach to gathering pathway information will help us map the patterns of unmet need in the Borough.
However, we know from our analysis to date that:
- The focus of statutory services is to respond to and minimise instances of harm, and the volume of incidents is so great that professionals sometimes work in a short-term way to tackle immediate risk, rather than supporting change in the longer term.
- The cost of repeated incidents and response is significant. In direct resource terms, repeat incidents make up 40% of all incidents. But in failing to tackle entrenched behaviours and impact on children and young people leads to ongoing prevalence and will not impact the volume of demand.
- Professionals (particularly in health and education settings) report a lack of professional confidence and skills to explore the reality of intimate relationships, which might enable intervention at an earlier stage.
These factors lead to the conclusion that investing in prevention could have a significant positive impact in tackling abusive relationships earlier, before risk escalates to the threshold for statutory intervention.
Although it is appropriate to ensure that victims of domestic abuse are protected and supported, this can marginalise the role and impact of perpetrators. We do not currently focus sufficiently on perpetrators and their behaviour. Perpetrators can move from one family to another with a repeated pattern of abuse. The cost to the criminal justice system is substantial. The long-term impact on families and children can be very significant. So investment in perpetrator services is crucial to prevent and reduce domestic abuse over time.
Cultural factors can play a significant part in how domestic abuse is perceived and reported. This is true for all cultural groups in the Borough, including the local white population. However, we are not consistently able to communicate effectively with women from some populations where sensitive, female interpreter services are needed to explore issues of cultural identity. So sensitive interpretation services are required to respond to potential unmet need.
Agencies also recognise a cohort of adolescents and young adults whose behaviour can be aggressive and physically abusive within their family. The reasons why children and young adults behave with aggression and/or violence within their family are complex, and not all cases represent domestic abuse within the current definition. It is essential to tailor responses to this cohort in a way which appropriately challenges controlling / aggressive behaviour and supports positive change.
It should also be highlighted the lack of provision for those in same sex relationships, and those within the LGBTQ+ population. We know this is a population at increased risk of abuse, but we lack in local provision and robust intelligence to fully understand the extent.
Finally, although male victims are not as prevalent as females, we should not dismiss this level of need. Additionally, males are predominantly the perpetrators, but we do also recognise females can also inflict abuse. Therefore, whatever provision of services and support we commission in South Tyneside should be able to provide support to both males and females safely.
Projected Need and Demand
It is reasonable to assume that whilst the current system conditions prevail, domestic abuse will continue to be a prevalent factor affecting the lives of thousands of adults and children in South Tyneside. The extension of the definition of domestic abuse to recognise coercion and control will extend further the number of known victims, perpetrators and incidents.
Evidence suggests that services in South Tyneside are acting effectively to protect victims and children. However, domestic abuse is a substantial public health concern in South Tyneside, absorbing significant resource across statutory agencies.
Domestic abuse requires a coordinated approach from agencies across a person's lifetime and in many aspects of life, from midwifery through primary and secondary health care; education and children's provision; children and adult social care; end of life care.
To reduce prevalence, a whole system approach is required which ensures that agencies work effectively together towards reducing the prevalence and impact of Domestic Abuse.
Community Assets and Services
The Community Safety Partnership has a website resource which includes:
- Advice for citizens
- Information for professionals
- Directory of local services
- Signposting to services outside the Borough which offer support.
The resource identifies many services within the Borough which are committed to providing help and support for people who experience domestic violence including victims, children and perpetrators.
The webpage is available at: Domestic abuse services directory
Six police forces across the North East, Yorkshire and Humberside have come together, along with their local partners, to provide a better protection to victims and their families and to bring more perpetrators to justice.
Further information is available at:
Listed below are the key services, both statutory and non-statutory, within the borough available to residents:
Local Services
Apna Ghar: Offers support to minority ethnic women.
Changing Lives GAP (Girls Are Proud) / MAP (Male Action Project): Changing Lives GAP / MAP provides assertive outreach to vulnerable men and women who are involved in sex work or at risk of being sexually exploited, and are over the age of 16.
Changing Lives Domestic Abuse Services: Changing Lives support women and girls who have suffered from childhood abuse and domestic abuse. We understand the on-going impact this has, and we focus on recovery, resilience and community integration.
Domestic & Sexual Violence Workplace Champions: Form part of a Northumbria-wide network of Champions. Domestic Violence Workplace Champions have an important role within their organisations, both in the public and private sector, in raising awareness around the issue of domestic and sexual violence and guiding people, including their colleagues, towards help and guidance.
Homefinder (Homeless Service): This service provides advice and assistance to those who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or are unable to remain in their current home.
Impact Family Services: Impact Family Services provides services for individuals and families who are facing a difficult time due to separation and/or divorce, domestic violence and abuse, and for children and young people affected by family or peer relationships.
Independent Domestic Violence Advisers (IDVA) Service: Provides crisis intervention, support, advice and information to high risk victims of domestic abuse (male and female, including those in same sex relationships) whether you are still in a relationship or are separated from your partner.
Northumbria Police: Choice helpline: Northumbria Police Helpline provides confidential advice and assistance to anyone who may be suffering from Honour-Based Violence or has been or may be forced into marriage.
Northumbria Police: Safeguarding Department: Northumbria Police Safeguarding Department provides help and advice to victims and investigates rape offences, domestic and child abuse as well as monitors sex offenders and dangerous offenders living in the community.
Places for People (South Tyneside Women's Aid) Women's Refuge: Places for People offers advice and support as well as providing safe, temporary and emergency accommodation to women, with or without children, at risk of domestic abuse.
Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland (RCTN): Provides information, support and counselling to girls and women, aged 13 and over, who have experienced any form of sexual violence at any times in their lives.
REACH (Rape, Examination, Advice and Counselling Help): Free, confidential counselling, support and advice service for women aged 16 and over.
Relate Northumberland and Tyneside: Offers a range of services to help with all relationships, whether young or old, straight or gay, single or in a relationship.
Respect: A confidential and anonymous helpline for anyone concerned about their violence and/or abuse towards a partner or ex-partner.
Safe Hands Children's Service (Impact Family Services): Ear 4 U Children's Service provides support and advice for children, aged 5 - 11 who have witnessed and been affected by domestic abuse.
Sanctuary Scheme: If the fear of domestic abuse is making you think about moving, the Sanctuary Scheme could make it possible for you to stay living safely in your own home, if the perpetrator no longer lives there.
South Tyneside Domestic Abuse Perpetrators Programme (STDAPP): The programme is for any man who is concerned about his behaviour towards his partner or ex-partner and wants to change. This service is no longer operating an open door policy - they are now commissioned to provide a limited service via referral from Children Social Care only.
Women's Health in South Tyneside (WHiST): WHiST provides a wide range of services for women in South Tyneside.
National Services
Chinese Information Advice Centre: Women Support Project: Provides support to women victims of domestic violence on issues relating to housing, legal protection, welfare benefits and children.
Elder Abuse Response Line: Elder Abuse Response Line offers a confidential helpline.
Forced Marriage Unit: Provides advice and support to victims of forced marriage as well as to professionals dealing with cases.
Galop: Galop provides emotional and practical support to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people experiencing domestic abuse.
Halo Project: Halo Project supports victims of honour-based violence, forced marriages, and FGM by providing appropriate advice and support to victims, relatives and friends.
Jewish Women's Aid: A confidential and untraceable helpline service, which supports Jewish women and their children who are sufferers of domestic violence.
Mankind Initiative: The Mankind Initiative is a charity offering information and support to men who are victims of domestic abuse or violence.
Men's Advice Line: Men's Advice Line provides confidential support for any man experiencing domestic violence or abuse
Men's Aid Charity: Provides practical advice and support to men who have been abused.
National Centre for Domestic Violence: Provides a free, fast emergency injunction service to survivors of domestic violence.
National Domestic Violence Freephone Helpline: Provides a service for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf.
National Stalking Helpline: Provides information and guidance on the law, how to report stalking, gathering evidence, staying safe and reducing the risk.
Polish Domestic Violence Helpline: Provides Polish people who are experiencing domestic violence with a confidential contact, which will allow them to talk about their situation in their native language and to obtain information about available help and support.
Respect Website: Respect is a UK domestic abuse membership organisation for work with perpetrators, male victims and young people's violence in close relationships.
Women's Aid: We are a grassroots federation working together to provide life-saving services and build a future where domestic violence is not tolerated. Freephone 24 hr National Domestic Violence Helpline Run in partnership between Women's Aid & Refuge.
Evidence for interventions
Due to the complex nature of domestic abuse, a range of interventions are required which include working with victims, children, perpetrators and family groups.
We recognise that, in South Tyneside, we need closer partnership working around domestic abuse interventions to ensure that we agree chosen interventions for consistent implementation and assessment of impact, which are based on need and evidence.
- NICE has produced pathway guidance and quality standards for practice with individuals affected by domestic abuse: NICE: Domestic violence and abuse
- NICE also recognise that Multi‑agency partnership working at both an operational and strategic level is the most effective approach for addressing domestic violence and abuse. Training and ongoing support from within an organisation are also needed for individual practitioners: NICE: Domestic violence and abuse: multi-agency working
- Social care intervention is governed by statute. The LCSB has agreed safeguarding and child protection procedures which all local agencies work to: South Tyneside Safeguarding Children Board
- The Safeguarding Adults Board offers advice and signposting where there is a concern about abuse of adults: South Tyneside Safeguarding Adults Board
- The Community Safety Partnership offers information for professionals including links to the SafeLives Risk Assessment Tool which is South Tyneside's risk assessment tool for adults: Information for professionals - Domestic violence and abuse
These third sector organisations offer a range of evidence based tools and approaches:
Partnership views have been gathered through the Self-assessment and Domestic Violence Working Group and are represented in previous sections of this topic.
Key contacts and references
Key Contact | Paula Phillips |
Job Title | Public Health Service Lead |
| |
Phone Number | 0191 424 6441 |
Key Contact | Julie Connaughton |
Job Title | Public Health Practitioner |
| |
Phone Number | 0191 424 6520 |
- Characteristics of children in need 2016-17, Department of Education and Skills. GOV.UK: Characteristics of children in need 2015 to 2016
- Children Act 1989 as extended by the Adoption and Children Act 2002 (section 120)
- Information for Local Area on the definition of Domestic Violence and Abuse, Home Office, March 2013
- The Multi-Agency response to children living with domestic abuse, Ofsted, 19 September 2017. GOV.UK: JTAI domestic abuse
- The Economic and Social Cost of Domestic Abuse, Research Report, January 2019. GOV.UK: The economic and social costs of domestic abuse
- Government publishes landmark domestic abuse bill, 2019. GOV.UK: Government publishes landmark domestic abuse bill
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), website, 2019. Early Action Together: ACE's learning network
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), website, 2019. Public Health Scotland: Overview of ACEs
- Supporting Trans Women in domestic and sexual violence services, 2018. Stonewall: Stonewall and NFP Synergy report
Local Strategies and Plans
Strategy on Domestic Violence, Community Safety Partnership March 2016: South Tyneside Community Safety Partnership
National Strategies and Plans
Government strategy on domestic abuse: GOV.UK: strategy to end violence against women and girls 2016 to 2020
Government information on domestic abuse: GOV.UK: Domestic abuse: how to get help
Further data sources
Domestic Abuse Related Incidents: Fingertips: Public Health Profiles
Children Subject to a child protection plan with initial category of abuse: GOV.UK: Local authority interactive tool
Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW): ONS: Domestic abuse in England and Wales - Appendix tables