The Virtual School: Support for children in care and adopted children

If you are concerned about your child's education

In any situation we would always encourage you to contact and meet with your child's school in the first instance. 

They may be able to offer immediate guidance, support or intervention and should be best placed to deal with your enquiries.

The school will have a designated teacher with responsibility for overseeing adopted children in their school.

If you are concerned about your child's progress in school, contact the school and ask to meet with the designated teacher, and if appropriate, the SENDco, to discuss your concerns and agree a plan of action.

Contact the Virtual School on for advice if you feel progress against the action plan has not been made.

If your child is unhappy in school

Check if the school has buddy clubs, Theraplay, or other recognised strategies for supporting friendship.

Suggest activity groups for unstructured times in the day and find out what other activities and clubs your child may benefit from. 

If your child is being bullied about their adopted status

Contact the school and meet with the designated teacher and class teacher, to discuss your concerns openly and honestly, identify the issues and agree a plan of action.

School may need to build their pupils' awareness and understanding of adoption and this needs to be managed sensitively and positively.

If your child is held back a year because they are developmentally behind their peers

It is possible for your child to be held back a year but it needs to be agreed by the head teacher of the school.

For more information see South Tyneside Council: Dealing with requests for admission outside of the normal age group (including summer born children) or GOV.UK: Advice on the admission of summer born children.

If you need advice or assessment from an educational psychologist but school says your child has not reached their threshold for intervention

You can request that Pupil Premium Plus is used to fund an external assessment by an educational psychologist.