Pupil Premium Plus for adopted children and young people


  1. Overview
  2. Eligibilty
  3. How Pupil Premium Plus is used
  4. Making sure Pupil Premium Plus is used directly on your child


Pupil Premium Plus is available to children who have been adopted.


Pupil Premium Plus is available for children:

  • that were adopted from care in England and Wales
  • who left care under a Residence Order / Child Arrangement Order
  • who left care under a Special Guardianship Order

From reception to year 11, schools currently receive £1,900 per child per year, raising to £2,300.

In order for schools to access the funding, you must declare your child's adoptive status directly to the school before the school completes the January census. If you are a parent you must provide evidence (e.g Adoption Order).

You should not need to declare your child's status again until your child changes school. 

How Pupil Premium Plus is used

The Department for Education has said that it intends for the funding to be spent on helping adopted children emotionally, socially and educationally by providing support to raise their attainment and address their wider needs.

Effective use of Pupil Premium should tailor interventions to meet individual needs through systematic tracking or progress.

The use of Pupil Premium must be mentioned on the school's website. 

Some suggested uses of Pupil Premium Plus are:

  • 1:1 tuition
  • Small group targeted intervention
  • Academic mentor
  • Education focused trips and visits
  • Purchase of specialist equipment to promote academic progress
  • Study and revision classes
  • Additional TA support

It is the responsibility of the school to use and target the money appropriately, but it is helpful to discuss with parents their suggested uses of Pupil Premium money to support their child. 

Making sure Pupil Premium Plus is used directly on your child

You can request information from the school. Schools have to publish their PPP spending on their website.

They are able to pool funding from several children to pay for additional opportunities and activities.

You would have to check when and how your child accesses these if appropriate, and if not, what could be put in place.