The Project for Looked After Children's Education (The PLACE)


  1. Overview
  2. Our Priorities
  3. Annual celebration of achievement


The Project for Looked After Children's Education (The PLACE) team is dedicated to supporting the educational achievement of looked after children.

The team includes a specialist teacher, a senior education welfare officer, project workers and project mentors.


  • monitor attainment, progress and attendance
  • provide individual support in learning, attendance or behaviour
  • train designated teachers and carers
  • build capacity in schools so that they are more able to intervene and support children and young people
  • provide advice Personal Education Plans (PEPs)
  • work with other colleagues and agencies inside and outside the Borough to support looked after children

Our priorities

  • Narrow the attainment gaps between looked after children and their peers
  • Allow looked after children to make good progress
  • Improve the attendance of looked after children
  • Liaise with the designated teacher
  • Celebrate the achievement of our looked after children
  • Make sure every looked after child has a high quality PEPs which identifies the actions and support to be provided
  • Deliver training to schools, designated teachers, carers and partner agencies

Annual celebration of achievement

Celebrating success is an important part of the our corporate parenting ethos.

Every year we organise a Celebration of Achievement Event at the beginning of the academic year.

Every school aged looked after child is invited to attend, where they are formally recognised for a positive contribution they have made at home, school or in the community.

Those who are unable to attend receive a certificate and a reward.

Simonside Lodge also hosts meetings of the Children in Care Council.

See also The Virtual School.