South Tyne and Wear Waste Management Partnership

Non recycled rubbish

Since 2014, the partnership has sent non-recycled rubbish to our Energy-from-Waste (EfW) facility in Teesside. The facility converts the waste into electricity for the National Grid. 

Due to what has been achieved over recent years, the JMWMS has been updated. The updated strategy has been designed to:  

  • Be easy to understand, follow, and allow the everyone to check progress.
  • Consider how the current economy and other restrictions will affect our partner Council's waste services.
  • Be clear about the priorities and not get the other Councils to commit to deliver actions with unknown external outcomes and / or influences.
  • Think about proportions and be realistic about issues that the partnership can directly influence at different levels. For example nationally, within our own operational activities, and across other services within our own Councils.

View the Joint waste management strategy.