Full, outline and reserved matters applications
How to apply
You can submit planning applications directly to us by email or post. Or, you can submit planning applications using the Planning Portal website.
Apply direct to us by email or post:
- Full planning application (including change of use)
- Full planning application and advertisement consent
- Full planning permission and relevant demolition of an unlisted building
- Full planning and listed building consent
- Outline application with all matters reserved
- Outline application with some matters reserved
- Reserved matters application
Documents not produced by South Tyneside Council
If you apply by email the completed application form, all plans and supporting documents must be sent in PDF file format and there is a 10mb file size limit (per PDF file or email, whichever is the greater). We can also accept completed applications on a CD by post (with files in the PDF file format).
To submit by email to us, email our planning@southtyneside.gov.uk mail box.
To submit by post (either as paper submission or on a CD), please send your completed application to:
Planning Group (Development Management)
South Tyneside Council
Town Hall
Westoe Road
South Shields
NE33 2RL
You can pay the planning application fee by cheque (payable to South Tyneside Council) or by calling us on 0191 424 7421.
Apply via the Planning Portal website:
You can complete an online version of the planning application form, attach plans / supporting documents and also pay the application fee when you submit on the Planning Portal.
To find our more, visit Planning Portal: Apply online.
You will most likely need to pay the Planning Portal additional service charges if you apply in this way and you can find out more about them at Planning Portal: Financial Transaction Service and Payment Nomination.
Major planning applications
For major planning applications submitted electronically (by email, disk or online) and which have a large number of plans and / or supporting documents, it would speed up the validation process if one complete paper copy of the submission was also provided.
A major planning application usually means a proposal for:
- 10 or more dwellings
- 1000 square metres or more of floor space
- sites over 1 hectare in area
- minerals / waste development