Coronavirus (COVID-19)
COVID-19 will be a feature of our lives for the foreseeable future, so we need to learn to live with it and manage the risk to ourselves and others.
All of us can play our part by understanding the situations where risks of COVID-19 infection and transmission are likely to be higher and take action to reduce these risks.
Steps you can take to reduce the risk
- Get vaccinated
- Stay at home if you have symptoms or test positive
- Consider wearing a face covering
- Wash your hands regularly
- Cover your mouth if you need to cough or sneeze
- Open the windows to let fresh air in
GOV.UK: Living safely with respiratory infections, including COVID-19.
Latest data
Visit the government website for data on COVID-19.
For local information, enter your postcode or use the interactive map.
GOV.UK: Coronavirus (COVID-19) data
Other languages
For the latest COVID-19 advice in different languages, visit Doctors of the World: Coronavirus information in different languages.
You can also translate any page on our website into various languages using Google Translate.
South Tyneside Living with COVID-19 Plan 2022-23
The COVID-19 vaccination is the largest vaccine programme in the history of the NHS.
The vaccines have been through the same regulatory approval process as all other medicines used in this country to make sure they meet strict safety standards and offer high levels of protection.
Research has shown the vaccines help:
- reduce your risk of getting seriously ill or dying from COVID-19
- reduce your risk of catching or spreading COVID-19
- protect against COVID-19 variants
The vaccine is free of charge on the NHS.
Find out if you're eligible for a current vaccine, and how to get it, at NHS: About COVID-19 vaccination.
Information in other formats
GOV.UK: COVID-19 vaccination: British Sign Language resources
Coronavirus (COVID-19) tests are no longer free for most people.
Some people can still get free COVID-19 rapid lateral flow tests from the NHS.
You can get free NHS tests if you have a health condition which means you're eligible for COVID-19 treatments.
You may also be able to get free NHS tests if:
- you're going into hospital
- you work in healthcare or adult social care
For full details, see who can get a free NHS coronavirus (COVID-19) test.
Most people in England are no longer advised to get tested. Find out:
- what to do if you have COVID-19 symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19
- what to do if you've been in close contact with someone with COVID-19
- how to avoid catching and spreading COVID-19
If you still want to get tested and you're not eligible for a free NHS test, you must pay for a COVID-19 test yourself.
You can buy a COVID-19 test online or in person from pharmacies and retailers.
For the latest government advice, please visit GOV.UK: Reducing the spread of respiratory infections, including COVID-19, in the workplace.
Get in touch
If you've got a specific COVID-19 health related question, email
We will review your query and get back to you as quickly as possible.
Reporting cases and outbreaks
If you have two or more linked cases in the workplace, email the Public Health team at
Business Support Hub
The Council's Business Support Team can also provide you with lots of advice and support.
They can be contacted on 0191 481 3456 or by email at
For information about support, visit Invest South Tyneside.
Funding and grants for businesses
South Tyneside Council administered over £50million of grants to businesses within the funding allocations and guidelines provided by government. This has provided support to many of our local businesses.
The following support grants have now closed for applications:
- Omicron Small Business Hardship Grant
- Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant (OHLG)
- Shop Front Improvement Grant
- Additional Restrictions Grant
To discuss any support available to your business, see Invest South Tyneside.
Employer Toolkit
Public Health England have produced an employer toolkit which includes posters and materials you can use to promote the vaccine to your staff.
During the pandemic many people in our community volunteered to help others.
Whether it's being a health advocate or spreading the word about what a great place South Tyneside is, there are still numerous voluntary opportunities you can get involved with.
Become a 'a better u' Champion
Would you like to help your family, friends and local communities?
Can you share key advice and information to help people to improve their lives?
Could you help us reach people that might not be able to find the right advice themselves?
#LoveSouthTyneside campaign
If you would like to volunteer, Love South Tyneside can support you to be matched to an organisation that can use your skills.
Find out more at Love South Tyneside or follow Love South Tyneside on Facebook.
NHS Volunteer Responders
For information about the government NHS Volunteer Responders scheme visit GoodSAM: NHS Volunteer Responders.
More information
Find out more about volunteering in South Tyneside.