Housing with help nearby (extra care)

How to apply

To apply for Extra Care, you must have a valid care need and be referred by a social worker or professional in Adult Social Care.

The social worker will need to carry out a needs assessment to see if you or the person applying meets the correct criteria.

If you meet the criteria for extra care, the social worker will present your case to a panel.

This panel will consist of key people within Adult Social Care and Extra Care who will decide if your needs will be best met by you living in Extra Care.

You will find out the decision generally within a week of the panel meeting. 

If you are accepted

If you are accepted, you will told about the next steps. This would involve a visit to the scheme to meet with the Housing Manager and the Care Manager to make sure needs can be met and to view the property.

You will then be given 1 week to decide if this is the right decision for you. 

If you are not accepted

If you are not accepted, the Social Worker will tell you what the next steps would be depending on the reason you were declined. 

For example, there may not have been any places at the scheme chosen so another scheme could be looked at as an alternative.