Final Call For Pensioners To Claim £200
Pensioners who just missed out on Winter Fuel Allowance this year have one more week to claim a £200 payment from South Tyneside Council.
The Council is working hand in hand with agencies across the borough to support applications for pensioners just above the Pension Credit threshold by Monday 24 March.
Payments are targeted at those who are on a low income but not eligible for Pension Credit and Winter Fuel Allowance but who may be impacted by the loss of Winter Fuel Allowance and by rising energy prices.
Tom, 79, from South Shields who has already secured his £200 payment said: "I read about it in the Council's enewsletter. I phoned the number and the whole process was seamless.
"It was refreshing to speak to someone who says they will do something and then actually does it. The team spoke to me like they knew me, there was no barrier at all.
"The whole process was fairly quick and easy. The team followed things up with me, nothing was a problem for them.
"The problem is people don't believe these things when they see them advertised. It doesn't always ring true, but I'd encourage people to at least try, phone up and speak to someone and if you have any doubts, you can get them to call you back, you never know what you might be entitled to."
As well as helping people claim the £200 teams have also been able to secure other benefits and support for pensioners.
The Council's Pension Credit campaign has already increased take up. It is now using the Household Support Fund to make payments to those who need it the most.
The £200 payment will be administered by a short application, completed by the relevant support agency on behalf of the individual. Applicants will need to declare that they are in receipt of, or eligible for, certain benefits.
Key criteria to meet are:
- Where the individual is in receipt of Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support but is not yet in receipt of Pension Credit
- Where the individual is eligible for Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support and applied for Pension Credit after 21 December 2024 (thereby missing the deadline to qualify for a winter fuel payment). No checks will be carried out against Housing Benefit / Council Tax Support database. Customers will be required to declare if they are receiving the above benefits.
Cllr Paul Dean, Lead Member for Voluntary Sector Partnerships and Equalities, said: "We've already paid out £200 to over 350 South Tyneside pensioners so far this year, but we've only got until the end of March to spend the money.
"The time is now for people to come forward, we want to reach absolutely everyone who could be eligible. It is a quick and straightforward process. We have Council, Age Concern and Citizens Advice teams ready to help you right now. Don't delay, get in touch."
To make an application pensioners who meet the criteria are advised to contact Citizens Advice, Age Concern, or the Council's Welfare Support team.
Citizens Advice can be contacted on 0191 455 7958, email, or visit
Call ACTS Age Concern South Tyneside on 0191 456 6903 or visit
The Council's Welfare Support team can be contacted by phone: 0191 424 6040, email:, or via the Council's website.
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