
Sunday 06 April 2025
Time: 11:00
Price: Free
The Word, National Centre for the Written Word

Come along to sensory story-time session for young people with learning disabilities and their families.

NEW sensory story-time sessions at The Word for young people with learning disabilities and their families, delivered by TimbaDash Theatre Co.
TimbaTime sessions are FREE and use storytelling, music, puppetry and sensory play to re-tell familiar stories in an accessible way. There will be a different story and theme each month.

Sessions will take place in StoryWorld at The Word, on the first Sunday of the month. There is a session at 11am and it is repeated at 1pm. There are limited spaces available, so we recommend booking early.

Book your ticket here:  https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/timbatime-the-word-tickets-1190474062969?aff=ebdsoporgprofile

*Please note that tickets for sessions will be released individually rather than as a block, please only book onto one session per month*

There is free parking for 3 hours behind The Word and 7 disabled parking spaces available. Sessions will be delivered in the StoryWorld space which is on the 2nd floor - accessible by a lift or stairs and with good access to disabled toilets. There is a Changing Places style toilet on the ground floor. There is also a fully accessible cafe space on the ground floor.

Dates for monthly sessions:

  • Sunday 2nd Feb, 11am & 1pm
  • Sunday 2nd March, 11am & 1pm
  • Sunday 6th April, 11am & 1pm
  • Sunday 4th May, 11am & 1pm
  • Sunday 1st June, 11am & 1pm
  • Sunday 6th July, 11am & 1pm 
