Home education: Resources

Advice for home schooling

Learn outside

Home schooling doesn't have to happen in the house:

  • Try to get out of the house regularly
  • Try to walk to places, and talk about the things you see on the way
  • Let your child buy the tickets, or talk to the receptionist, or plan the route

Enjoy learning 

Remember that you are learning as well. Enjoy it and get organised.

At some point you might even think of using some of your learning to gain qualifications for yourself.

Write an annual report

It isn't a school report, so it doesn't need to be at the end of the "school" year.

Sit down with your child and talk about how they have changed in the last year.

What have been the best things that you've done? Concentrate on achievements, but don't be afraid to mention disappointments. Make plans for the next year.

Write it all down, and put it somewhere safe. Some people like more frequent reports - you might prefer Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter reviews.

Meet up with other home schooling families

Try to meet up with other parents who home school their children. You can swap ideas, and possibly resources.

There is a local group of parents within South Tyneside who support each other and arrange activities within the area.

This group can be contacted on Facebook at Home Educators South Tyneside.

Recognise when to stop home schooling

Try to recognise when home education might no longer be the right thing for your child.

If things are not working, it's important to stop.

Do something special

Every now and then do something special - something that is only possible because you are home educating.