Public health news: The Pledge

Public, private and voluntary organisations working together for South Tyneside

Public health news: September 2024

Since its launch in January 2022, 300 public, private and VCSE organisations have signed up to the South Tyneside Pledge and we know this partnership is making a real difference to South Tyneside.

A survey undertaken by Northumbria University estimates that the Pledge is adding at least £3m a year to local economy and is helping to boost social infrastructure and collaboration between the public, private and voluntary sector.

By signing the Pledge, organisations are saying that they will do all they can to bring about positive change to help us meet our 20-year vision and ambitions to connect people to jobs, boost health and wellbeing, create strong communities, ensure people are financially secure and target support to make things fairer.

Focusing on 9 specific activities, the Pledge asks organisations, or Pledgees, to commit to 'Spend', 'Recruit', and 'Support' South Tyneside.

Impact and success so far

Pledgees have and continue to do fantastic work to support local people and places; check out our most recent case studies that feature Billy's Lifeline, The Red Bench Project, NxtGen Wills, Beach Accountants, ITC Service and Northern Rights.

A recent survey of pledgees in partnership with Northumbria University found the following impacts so far, which have added at least £3m a year to the South Tyneside economy:

  • 60% using more local suppliers
  • 40% have won more local contracts
  • 57% have taken on local people
  • 61% have put in place climate change measures
  • 55% have volunteered locally
  • 45% have provided work experience
  • 40% have given school talks / career advice

The Pledge has also attracted national attention, being highlighted as part of the 'Innovation Zone' at the Local Government Association Annual Conference; and shortlisted for national LGIU and Locality Awards.

Crucially, Pledgees remain enthusiastic and committed to giving back to their communities.

You can read more about the Pledge, including forthcoming Pledge networking events and toolkits to help support local organisations (from sustainability and carers to recruitment and volunteering), as well as the great work that Pledge organisations are doing across South Tyneside at  Invest South Tyneside.