Housing fraud
What to do if you suspect someone of housing fraud
Do you know someone who has:
- Rented out their Council or housing association home without permission?
- Obtained their home through false information?
Speak out if you have suspicions.
If you suspect someone of housing fraud, contact South Tyneside Council Housing Services on:
Phone: 0300 123 6633
Email: connect2@southtyneside.gov.uk
Your report will be treated in the strictest confidence and can be given anonymously.
Housing benefit fraud
If you suspect someone of receiving housing benefit they are not entitled to please call the National Benefit Fraud hotline on 0800 854 440. Lines are open Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.
If you have speech or hearing problems you can use a text phone service on 0800 328 0512.
Or alternatively you can make a report online at GOV.UK: National Benefit Fraud Hotline
Your report will be treated in the strictest confidence and can be given anonymously.