23MUSC - Come and Sing 2024

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Please quote course code when booking


Our 'Come and Sing' session with a live band is primarily to support people teaching the songs being used for the Different Voices 2024 project in Year 5/6.  We'll demonstrate the melodies and harmonies and then work with you to get some group learning underway!  Our lead singer, Nick, is an experienced vocal coach so he'll give some useful singing tips and some vocal warm-up exercises to take back to your classrooms, too.

However, this session is also open to anyone from a school setting - you don't have to be a Yr 5 or Yr 6 teacher or be engaged with the project.  We welcome support staff, lunchtime supervisors, anyone around your school who enjoys singing and would encourage children to sing.  It'd be good to get some Head Teachers, too!

If you're a music Co-ordinator in a school where everyone teaches a bit of music, here's a good opportunity for some fun, all-staff CPD together.  There is no charge for the session, we have a project grant which fully funds the activity.

No one will be asked to sing on their own - just in case anyone is worried!

Target Group:  All staff welcome

Course Deliverer:  R Prince / Different Voices Show band

Cost:  Free to South Tyneside Schools - Funded by Arts Council

Other times on Saturday 22 February

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