Bins and recycling
Bin collections, book a slot at the tip, green waste, bulky waste, recycling and more
Bin collection dates
Check if your grey, green or blue bin is due to be collected.
Recycling Village (tip)
Information on the Recycling Village (tip), opening times, how to book a slot, types of waste you can bring and more.
Green bins (garden waste)
You can pay to have garden waste collected from your home by subscribing to the Garden Waste service (green bin).
Blue bins (recycling)
Your blue bin is for recycling. Find out what you can and cannot put in your blue recycling bin.
Bulky waste collections
If you have unwanted items that are too big or heavy to put in your bin, you can pay to have them collected from your home.
Order a new bin or caddy
Order a new grey, blue or green bin or caddy. Charges apply.
Report a missed bin
If you think your bin has been accidentally missed, report it online or over the phone.
Report litter
You can report litter, a damaged litter bin, and sharp, dangerous or hazardous items.
Report fly tipping
Report the illegal dumping of waste.
House and garden clearances
South Tyneside Council can collect your household and garden waste. Charges apply.
Trial recycling bin (red lid)
A small area of around 1400 homes in the Marsden and Whitburn area has been selected to trial a new recycling bin.
Business waste collections
South Tyneside Council offers a local waste collection service for local businesses. Charges apply.
Recycling sites
Find recycling sites across South Tyneside.
Street cleaning and issues
Find information about street cleaning and report any problems to the Council.
What can be recycled
Find out what items go in your bins, and which items can be taken to recycling sites.
Get help to pull your bin out
If you find it difficult to pull out your wheelie bin, we may be able to make special arrangements to help.
Battery recycling
Find out where you can recycle batteries.
Managing waste with POPs
Learn how to manage waste with Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs).
Home composting
How to compost and what can go in your compost bin.
Abandoned shopping trolleys
You can report an abandoned shopping trolley directly to the shop where the trolley is from.