Home to school transport consultation

Tell us your views

We're eager to get your views on the contribution charge and pick up point proposals.

If you have any comments or questions, you can email them to transport.team@southtyneside.gov.uk.

We would appreciate comments on:

  • If the proposal is clear and easy to understand
  • If the proposal is fair and reasonable, and if not, how we could improve
  • How the proposal will impact students in your own family or other families

You can respond up until the end of the consultation period on Friday 1 November 2024.

What happens next

Your comments will help us to review and update the Home to School Transport Policy. All responses we receive will be considered.

The updated policy will be presented to Cabinet in early 2025 for approval before adoption. Any agreed changes will be implemented for the start of the 2025 / 26 academic year.