Young carers: Guidance for education staff

How you can help

School, college or university can sometimes be one of the few places a young carer is away from their caring responsibilities.

You should try to understand that they might:

  • find it difficult to:
    • arrive on time
    • stay late without earlier warning
    • finish homework or coursework on time
  • need to carry a mobile phone to keep in contact with the person they care for
  • need to leave early to collect their siblings from school
  • prefer to speak to a staff member that they trust

They might need these adjustments every day, or they may only need them in times of crisis.

You could display a poster that tells young carers how they can get help or direct them to the information for young carers..

You could also refer them to the South Tyneside Young Carers service.

Sign up to the commitments to young carers

Your school or training provider can sign up to the commitments to young carers.

The commitments will help you to support young carers so that they aren't negatively affected by the impact of their caring responsibilities.