23NETE-A - RE Co-ordinators Network Meeting - Autumn Term

Currently there are no instances scheduled for this event

This course is being administered by Durham L A.


To start the new academic year, we encourage RE subject leads to come together to get the latest updates, to unpick key messages and to engage in professional discussion around priorities for the year ahead. 

This joint network, with Durham Co-ordinators, will be held face to face in order to welcome new subject leads and to enable effective networking between schools. 

The focus will be on supporting quality first teaching across the school.

N.B. This course is being administered by Durham LA.  The course code for booking is REL801 and the booking link is:


Target Group:  RE Co-ordinators

Course Deliverer:  C Robson

Cost:  Free to SWD Buy Back Participants - £45 to others

Other times on Saturday 22 February

There are no further occurrences on this date