Missing children and the links to exploitation (safeguarding training course)


  1. Overview
  2. Course aims
  3. Course learning outcomes
  4. Times, dates and venues


This course is part of the safeguarding training programme

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Course aims

  • To offer participants an opportunity to develop their understanding of the prevalence of missing episodes and the associated risk of exploitation to children and young people
  • To provide delegates with a strong understanding of why young people go missing and the intrinsic link to child exploitation

Course learning outcomes

By the end of the session participants will:

  • Have an increased knowledge of the purpose of Return Home Interviews and what they achieve and contribute to
  • Have a greater understanding of the appropriate responses to a child who has been missing
  • Be able to recognise the significant connection between missing and child exploitation
  • Have an improved view of the local and national picture in relation to missing
  • Have an increased understanding of local process, for example The MSET Framework

Times, dates and venues

There are no dates scheduled for this course.

Delivered by: Gemma Doherty, Services for Young People Missing Team.