Child to parent violence and abuse (safeguarding training course)


  1. Overview
  2. Course aims
  3. Course learning outcomes
  4. Times, dates and venues


This course is part of the safeguarding training programme

To see a full list of courses, visit safeguarding training courses

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Course aims

  • To give delegates an awareness of the issues they might come across in relation to child to parent violence and abuse (CVPA)
  • Delegates will become familiar with various aspects of abuse (from understanding what abuse means, to being able to recognise signs of abuse)
  • Delegates will be able to recognise what support agencies can provide

Course learning outcomes

By the end of the session participants will:

  • Understand what is meant by CPVA
  • Understand the dynamics of CPVA
  • Understand the controlling behaviours of perpetrators of CPVA
  • Understand how CPVA can affect different communities in different ways
  • Have a working knowledge of support services, procedures and referral pathways that can help to support victims
  • Understand the barriers to seeking help
  • Feel more confident in dealing with cases of CPVA
  • Understand the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) on CPVA

Times, dates and venues


Delivered by: Nicola Connolly, Domestic Abuse Service.