Changing Lives
Changing Lives provides specialist support for thousands of vulnerable people and their families, including specialist accommodation for ex-service men and women.
Changing Lives Central Office, H26 The Avenues, Eleventh Avenue North, Team Valley, Gateshead, NE11 0NJ, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Telephone number:
0191 273 8891
Changing Lives
Changing Lives is a national, registered charity.
It provides specialist support to vulnerable people experiencing:
- homelessness
- mental health problems
- addiction
- exploitation and / or abuse
It takes a person-centred, holistic approach and aims to support individuals to access and find the services they need and empower them to make informed choices for themselves.
In South Tyneside, Changing Lives have a small number of dispersed accommodation. They can also explore out of area placements, as well as placements through the Council into their Whitehead Street supported accommodation.
Support available
Services includes:
- Accommodation dedicated to former service men and women, with specialist support to help them with issues such as PTSD, family reconciliation and addictions
- Short and long-term housing for vulnerable people in housing need, including emergency accommodation, Housing First solutions, semi-independent living units and independent tenancies.
- Recovery services across the North East to help those abstaining from substances.
- Community outreach services for people with different needs, including those living on the streets, helping them re-engage with services and improve their life skills.
- Specialist services for women offenders / at risk of offending, offering holistic, trauma informed interventions designed to meet women's specific and complex needs.
- Support for women and men with experience of sex work / survival sex / sexual exploitation, delivering specialist services, facilitating peer research and training local agencies.
- Services for victims / survivors of domestic abuse, providing refuge, advocacy, move-on support and sanctuary schemes. It provides emotional and practical support to individuals who may not be engaging with other services.
How to access the service
Please contact the charity directly.