Technical Appendices: Local Wildlife and Geodiversity Sites (2010)
About this publication
This Technical Appendices document provides a summary of all of the Local Development Framework's Local Wildlife Site and Local Geodiversity Site designations (existing and proposed), as set out in our South Shields and Jarrow Area Action Plans and Development Management Policies DPD.
It identifies:
- those sites where it is proposed that existing Sites of Nature Conservation Importance (SNCIs) are redesignated as Local Wildlife Sites without any boundary changes;
- sites where the boundaries of existing protected SNCI and Magnesian Limestone Grassland areas are proposed to be amended following the review;
- proposed new Local Wildlife Site designations resulting from the review; and
- proposed new Local Geodiversity Site designations.
Publishing information
From: Spatial Planning team
Published: June 2010
Local Plan reference: NAT25
PDF: Technical Appendices - Local Wildlife and Geodiversity Sites (June 2010) (PDF, 8 MB)
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