Home reader service
The Home Reader service is available to those who are unable to visit the library in person for any reason.
Benefits of the Home Reader service:
- We visit over 400 people in their own home
- We supply books to residential homes, sheltered housing and nursing homes
- We have a wide selection of large print and ordinary print books
- We also have books on tape and CD available free to our users
If you are unable to get to the library for yourself, or to carry books through disability, sickness or old age, call 0191 424 7181 or email library.support@southtyneside.gov.uk. Full time carers can also use this service.
We are happy to visit all new members in their homes. This visit is an opportunity for us to get to know you and it gives us the information we need to be able to select the right books for you. A member of staff or a volunteer will call each month to change your books.