Information for course providers: Learner wellbeing
Safeguarding information for course providers
Safeguarding measures protect the health, well-being and human rights of individuals, which allow children, young people and vulnerable adults to live free from abuse, harm and neglect.
If you think someone is at risk or is being abused, you should report it to South Tyneside Council:Report a concern
Safeguarding documentation
22054 Designated Safeguarding Lead Declaration
22055 Safeguarding Incident Concern Form
22056 South Tyneside Works Safeguarding Children Young People and Vulnerable Adults Practice Guidance
22060 South Tyneside Works Safeguarding Policy
22061 South Tyneside Works Preventing Extremism and Radicalisation Policy
Safeguarding resources
These resources aim to support you to increase your knowledge of safeguarding issues at a local and national level.
South Tyneside Domestic Abuse Handbook
Help and Support for Clinically Vulnerable During COVID-19