About the Local Plan

Next steps

The Publication draft South Tyneside Local Plan (2024) was referred to Borough Council on 5 September 2024 with a recommendation that it be submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination in Public.

The recommendation was not endorsed, and the Local Plan was not submitted for examination.

Following the publication of a new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in December 2024, it is intended to reconsider the Local Plan for submission by Borough Council on 27 February 2025, in accordance with the NPPF transitional arrangements for plan-making.

If the Local Plan is submitted to the government, the next step would be that they would appoint an independent Planning Inspector to review it.

They will consider the plan, its accompanying evidence, along with any comments put forward by local people and other interested parties from the final consultation on the plan.

The independent Planning Inspector will then make the final decision on the Local Plan and the development it proposes.

After this, the Council will need to make the formal decision to adopt the Local Plan.

Once the Local Plan is adopted

Once adopted, a review of the Local Plan will take place every 5 years. A new plan will be produced if there are any major changes in circumstances and it is no longer up to date.