Support with family life (early help)

How it works

Step 1: Talking to you

Your worker will ask about any problems and discuss what support might help. 

You will complete your Early Help assessement together and agree on a plan. Once this has been completed, your worker will have all the information needed, so you will not need to keep telling your story to different people.

Step 2: The Plan

Your worker will arrange a meeting with you and other people who might be able to help. At the meeting they will talk about the kind of support available, and agree a plan with you of how to help and support, this is called the Team Around the Family meeting (TAF).

This plan will clearly set out who will do what and when it will be done by.

Step 3: The review

Everyone will come back together to see how things are going and to agree if there needs to be any changes. The review meetings will happen every 6 weeks and will continue for as long as you need them. This is to make sure the support is making a difference to you and your family.