List of Council Tax bands


  1. Council Tax property bands
  2. Find your Council Tax band
  3. Appealing against your property's valuation band
  4. Appealing against your Council Tax liability

Council Tax property bands

The level of Council Tax for your property is based upon a valuation set by the Valuation Office Agency, which is part of the HM Revenue and Customs.

The banding is based on the value of your home on 1 April 1991.

The property is then placed into one of eight bands (A to H).

Find your Council Tax band

To check your Council Tax band, go to Find your Council Tax band.

Council Tax rates 2025 / 2026
BandValue of property (on 1 April 1991) Council Tax payable
AUp to £40,000£1540.79£29.55
B£40,001 to £52,000£1797.58£34.47
C£52,001 to £68,000£2054.39£39.40
D£68,001 to £88,000£2311.18£44.32
E£88,001 to £120,000£2824.78£54.17
F£120,001 to £160,000£3338.37£64.02
G£160,001 to £320,000£3851.97£73.87
HOver £320,000£4622.36£88.65


Council Tax rates 2024 / 2025
BandValue of property (on 1 April 1991) Council Tax payable
AUp to £40,000£1464.75£28.09
B£40,001 to £52,000£1708.88£32.77
C£52,001 to £68,000£1953.00£37.45
D£68,001 to £88,000£2197.13£42.13
E£88,001 to £120,000£2685.38£51.50
F£120,001 to £160,000£3173.63£60.86
G£160,001 to £320,000£3661.88£70.22
HOver £320,000£4394.26£84.27

Appealing against your property's valuation band

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) values domestic properties for council tax. This valuation is used to set your council tax band. You might need to contact the VOA if you think your council tax band is wrong.

You can find out more about when you can challenge your band and what you need to do at GOV.UK: Challenge your Council Tax band. If you challenge your band, you must continue to pay council tax at your current band until your appeal is decided.

You can contact the VOA at GOV.UK: Contact VOA. If you are unable to use the online service you can also contact the VOA on 03000 501 501.

Appealing against your council tax liability

You may also appeal direct to the Council if you feel that you are not liable to pay Council Tax. This may be because you are not the owner or do not live in the property, you believe the property should be exempt or that the Council has made a mistake when calculating your bill.

If you wish to appeal you must write to the Council so that it has the opportunity to reconsider your case. Appeals should be addressed to the Council Tax Team, Hawthorne Building, Rolling Mill Road, Viking Industrial Estate, Jarrow, NE32 3DP.

Making an appeal does not allow you to withhold payment. If your appeal is successful any overpaid Council Tax will be returned to you.