Forward Plan March to June 2025 (revised 7 March)
This page lists the forward plan for current Council reports from March to June 2025.
The lists below show current reports and:
- the decision to be made on the reports
- whether the decisions are key decisions
- whether the report or part of it confidential or containing exempt information
- the date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
- the consultees / consultation process
- any background documents / information available to the decision-maker
- the contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
Jarrow Hall - Roofing project
Appointment of contractor.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Delegated powers used on the basis of urgency pursuant to paragraph 18, section 1 of the scheme of delegation.
Decision made by Director of Place Strategy in consultation with the Leader and Deputy Leader, the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny was consulted on this decision - 6 September 2024.
The consultees / consultation process
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Stuart Wright and Phil Dixon
Newcastle International Airport
The purpose of the report is to affect change is the airport's governance arrangements.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet date TBC
As set out at 15.6 of the Scrutiny Procedure Rules in the Constitution, the decision has been made to exempt this decision from call-in procedure as any delay would be likely to adversely affect the interests of the Council, the other constituent authorities and the North East region as 51% of the shares are owned by the seven north-east local authorities.
The consultees / consultation process
Leader of the Council. The necessary consultation will take place with group leaders.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Nicola Robason (Director of Governance and Corporate Affairs)
- 0191 424 7186
Recommissioning of the 0 - 19 service following the 1 year extension to monitor the 5 - 19 service
Whether to recommission the 0 to 19 service from 2025 onwards.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Consultation about the service took place with young people, teachers and service staff themselves in 2023.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Claire Mawson
0191 424 6455 - Paula Phillips
0191 424 6441
School calendar 2026 / 2027 community and voluntary controlled schools
To seek agreement to the school calendar for 2026 / 2027 for all community and voluntary controlled schools in South Tyneside.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Local schools and academies, trade unions and teacher associations, neighbouring local authorities.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
Previous annual Cabinet reports on this issue.
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Stuart Easingwood
Post-16 transport and home to school transport proposals: outcome of consultation
This report provides an update to Cabinet on the outcome of public consultation on SEND home to school transport proposals to introduce a means-tested contribution charge for post-16 travel and to introduce centralised pick-up points throughout the borough. The report seeks Cabinet approval on how to proceed.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
An online consultation was held between 16 September and 15 November 2024.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Andy Ritchie
- 0191 424 6311
Treasury Management Quarterly Report - 31 December 2024
There is a requirement to report quarterly to the Executive on Treasury Management activity and on the exercise of delegated powers. This report is for the quarter ended 31 December 2024.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
Treasury Management File
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Paul McCann
- 0191 424 6545
Community Area Forum Funding 2025- 26
To set out a recommendation to Cabinet on how Community Area Forum (CAF) funding for 2025/26 should be allocated to CAF areas.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Stuard Reid
- 0191 424 7765
Council Budget Monitoring - April to December 2024
This budget monitoring report forms part of our regular quarterly cycle in relation to financial management.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Alan Foster
- 0191 424 6807
Recommissioning of Adult Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service
Approval of new contract.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Consultation will be held with both internal and external partners, providers and service users on any proposed model of the service.
Partnerships will include Substance Misuse Partnership, South Tyneside Alcohol Alliance, Mental Health Alliance, Children's and Adult's Safeguarding.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
- GOV.UK: From harm to hope
- Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy
- Health and Wellbeing Strategy
- South Tyneside Council Making Communities Safer - South Tyneside's Community Safety Partnership Plan 2021-24
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Julie Connaughton
0191 424 6520 - Paula Phillips
0191 424 6441
Warm Homes: Local Grant, Delivery Partner Procurement Advance Approval
Seek Cabinet approval to appoint a Delivery Partner for a 'Warm Homes: Local Grant' (WHLG) scheme in South Tyneside.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
- Strategic Procurement and Finance colleagues have been consulted on the report's recommendations.
- The MOU between DESNZ and South Tyneside Council has been subject to Scrutiny by Legal Services, and the relevant Lead Members have been consulted on the procurement process, plans for Delivery Partner appointment, the delivery timetable, the Equality Impact Assessment for the proposal and broad project objectives.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
- Fuel Poverty Strategy
- Warm Homes: Local Grant guidance
- Warm Homes Local Grant EOI (Located in the Energy Efficiency Team, Environmental Health)
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Joanne Chastney (Service Lead - Environmental Health)
Proposal to change age range to establish permanent nursery provision at West Boldon Primary School
Propose age range change and agree to prescribed alteration stages.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Consultation to take place as per prescribed alterations process (runs for 4 weeks).
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Val Thompson
- 0191 4247827
International Advanced Manufacturing Park Area Action Plan (IAMP AAP) Regulation 19 Consultation
The purpose of this report is to seek Cabinet approval to undertake public consultation on the Regulation 19 International Advanced Manufacturing Park Area Action Plan and publish the supporting evidence base.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
6 weeks public consultation.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Andrew Inch
Excavation, Disposal and Drainage tender award
Tender award.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Cllr Gibson, Lead Member for Neighbourhoods and Climate Change.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Dave Carr, Highways Asset Management Service Lead
- 07779 802535
Contract Award for Groundworks: new build housing sites at Lizard Lane and Reynolds Avenue
Special Urgency consent.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - 19 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Cllr Dixon, Leader
Cllr McCabe
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Gary Kirsopp
- David Ridley
Domestic Abuse Policy (Housing Service)
To agree the new policy as set out within the papers.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 20 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Internal staff, Domestic Abuse Partnership Board, Involved Tenants group, Housing and Environment Scrutiny Committee.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Anna Milner
- 07526532305
Refresh of the Alcohol Strategy
Alcohol Strategy to be adopted by Council.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 20 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
A range of stakeholders will be consulted as part of the strategy development, this will include (but not limited to) individuals with lived experience, Living Well Alliance, HealthNet (VCS partners), South Tyneside's Alcohol Alliance and Scrutiny.
The Alcohol Strategy will be fed through Governance including PHLT, PHLMB, Adult Safeguarding, HWB Scrutiny and Cabinet.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Robyn Bullock
- 0191 424 6560
Child Poverty Strategy
For full Council to agree a strategy to tackle child poverty (following agreement of the Anti-Poverty Strategy in March 2024).
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 20 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Consultation taking place with key stakeholders, including Poverty Group and South Tyneside Youth Council.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Rory Sherwood-Parkin
Annual Scrutiny Report
The report seeks to provide Council with information to note outlining the work and activities of scrutiny ommittees in order to raise awareness of their work programmes.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 20 March 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Overview and Scrutiny Coordinating and Call-in Committee were consulted on the content of this report at their committee held 19 February 2025
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Jonathan Lunness
- 0191 424 7536
Access and Egress Solutions
Approve the contract award.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Cabinet - May 2025
The consultees / consultation process
Cllr Ruth Berkley - Lead Member Adults, Health and Independence
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
Procurement exercise in progress, Cabinet report to follow.
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Chris Taylor
Stop Smoking service expansion and vapes: one year on
A review of the Stop Smoking Service and how the distribution of vapes is having an impact on smoking rates and service engagement.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Date to be confirmed.
Deferred from March 2025.
The consultees / consultation process
Potential to gather feedback from providers about how the updated service and vape option is going.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Ellie Forrester
- 0191 424 6552
South Tyneside Pledge
For information.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are not key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Date to be confirmed.
Deferred from Cabinet 19 February 2025 and Council 20 March 2025.
The consultees / consultation process
Consultation taking with key stakeholders, including members of the Pledge and Council teams.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Rory Sherwood-Parkin
Ocean Recovery Declaration - Annual Update
The report provides an annual update on the Council's Ocean Recovery Declaration. It covers delivery actions for the period 1 January 2024 until 31 December 2024. Members are asked to note the update contained within the report and support the Council's Ocean Recovery Declaration.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is not confidential / does not contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
Council - 2025 (Date TBC)
The consultees / consultation process
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Michelle Hogg, Service Lead - Environmental Protection
- 0191 424 7651
Contract Award for Groundworks and Brickwork: new build housing sites at Lizard Lane and Reynolds Avenue
Approve the appointment of the first ranked contractor for the Lizard Lane groundworks contract, with the contract to commence in February 2025 or not award the Lizard Lane groundworks contract, however noting the reputational risks this would expose the Council to from Homes England as this could jeopardise future funding bids.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
This is yet to be agreed due to the urgency of these decisions.
The consultees / consultation process
Resident consultation and engagement were carried out with all affected residents as part of the Planning Approval process.
This allowed residents to understand the scope of the projects and provide feedback on the developments.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
Planning Approval ST/0691/23/LAA
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Simon Mercer
- 07776215593
- Simon.mercer@sout
Contract Award for Groundworks and Brickwork: new build housing sites at Lizard Lane and Reynolds Avenue
Approve in advance the appointment of the most economically advantageous tender for the Reynolds Avenue groundworks contract once the tender analysis has been completed or not approve in advance the award of the Reynolds Avenue groundworks contract, however noting the reputational risks this would expose the Council to from Homes England as this could jeopardise future funding bids.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
This is yet to be agreed due to the urgency of these decisions.
The consultees / consultation process
Resident consultation and engagement were carried out with all affected residents as part of the Planning Approval process.
This allowed residents to understand the scope of the projects and provide feedback on the developments.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
Planning Approval ST/0741/23/LAA
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Simon Mercer
- 07776215593
Contract Award for Groundworks and Brickwork: new build housing sites at Lizard Lane and Reynolds Avenue
Approve in advance the appointment of the most economically advantageous tender for the brickwork for both the Lizard Lane and Reynolds Avenue contract once the tender analysis has been completed to enable materials to be purchased and meet a programmed start on site in May 2025 or not approve in advance the award of the brickwork contracts, however noting the reputational risks this would expose the Council to from Homes England as this could jeopardise future funding bids.
Whether the decisions are key decisions
The decisions are key decisions.
Whether the report or part of it is confidential or containing exempt information
The report is confidential / does contain exempt information.
The date the decision to be taken and who by (Cabinet or Council)
This is yet to be agreed due to the urgency of these decisions.
The consultees / consultation process
Resident consultation and engagement were carried out with all affected residents as part of the Planning Approval process.
This allowed residents to understand the scope of the projects and provide feedback on the developments.
Background documents / information available to the decision-maker
- Planning Approval ST/0691/23/LAA
- Planning Approval ST/0741/23/LAA
The contact officer's name, telephone number and e-mail address
- Simon Mercer
- 07776215593
- Simon.mercer@sout
As required in the Constitution at Part D, Section 4, 17.3.2. The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was informed that the following report was added to the forward plan on 21 February 2025 to be considered at Cabinet on 19 March 2025:
International Advanced Manufacturing Park Area Action Plan (IAMP AAP) Regulation 19 Consultation
As required in the Constitution at Part D, Section 4, 17.3.2. The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee was informed that the following report was added to the forward plan on 3 March 2025 to be considered at Cabinet on 19 March 2025:
Excavation, Disposal and Drainage tender award
As required in the Constitution at Part D, Section 4, 18, Special Urgency. The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee agreed to the following report being added to the Forward Plan on 3 March 2025 to be considered at Cabinet on 19 March 2025:
Contract Award for Groundworks: new build housing sites at Lizard Lane and Reynolds Avenue