Duty to Cooperate Statement (2025)

About this publication

This document sets out the Council's approach to compliance with the Duty to Co-operate in the production of the Local Plan and identifies how the outcomes of this co-operation have influenced the Plan.

It also sets out co-operation in the wider context of on-going relationships and delivery partnerships between local authorities and other key crossboundary agencies.

Publishing information

From: Spatial Planning team

Published: March 2025

Local Plan reference: SUB5


PDF: Duty to Cooperate Statement (2025) (PDF, 2 MB)


SUB5a: Statement of Common Ground between South Tyneside Council and Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Council (PDF, 372 KB)

SUB5b: Statement of Common Ground between South Tyneside Council and Sunderland City Council (PDF, 338 KB)

SUB5c: Statement of Common Ground between South Tyneside Council and North Tyneside Council (PDF, 208 KB)

SUB5d: Statement of Common Ground between South Tyneside Council and the Environment Agency (PDF, 397 KB)

SUB5e: Statement of Common Ground between South Tyneside Council and Northumbria Water (PDF, 387 KB)

SUB5f: Statement of Common Ground between South Tyneside Council and Marine Management Organisation (PDF, 270 KB)

SUB5g: Statement of Common Ground between South Tyneside Council and National Highways (PDF, 7 MB)

SUB5h: Statement of Common Ground between South Tyneside Council and Historic England (PDF, 425 KB)

SUB5i: Statement of Common Ground between South Tyneside Council and Sport England (PDF, 405 KB)

SUB5j: Statement of Common Ground between South Tyneside Council and Natural England (PDF, 263 KB)

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