Targeting support to make things fairer

Managing services and financial support costs

The money each Council has to spend depends on several factors, including:

  • Government grant
  • Council Tax base (South Tyneside has one of the lowest in the country)
  • Council Tax level
  • Number of new homes built
  • Business Rate retention
  • Attracting external funding for projects
  • Fees and charges

Every year, the Council reviews the budget to make sure services are available while covering rising costs.

The Council tries to keep financial support available in many areas as possible, for the residents who need it the most.

The Council sets fees and charges carefully to help those in need and reduce inequalities.

We offer financial support when possible, but a large portion of our budget is dedicated to the growing costs of social care for vulnerable adults and children.

Some South Tyneside residents struggle financially, which is why the Council aims to keep costs low and continue financial support instead of charging full prices.

The new Council Tax support scheme from 2024 helps around 12,500 households pay less Council Tax, showing the Council's commitment to fairness.