23TZ - Year 5 Writing Moderation: Mid-year check

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Please quote course code when booking


  • Opportunities to be guided through samples of work that evidence specific year group objectives and standards of writing
  • Teachers will work together to look at samples from their own schools and moderate these, discuss future actions and needs and agree achievements

Expected Impact on School/Setting:

  • Practitioners will have a greater understanding of what standards of writing should look like in their relevant year group

Target Group:

  • Year 5 Teachers

N.B. Teachers need to bring English/writing books from a range of children in their class (e.g. WTS, EXS, GDS) to discuss and review throughout the session.

Course Deliverer:  Anna Hawkins

Cost:  Free to SIP Buy-Back Participants - £50 to others                             

Other times on Saturday 22 February

There are no further occurrences on this date