23TT - Oracy: Taught not Caught

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  • To look at speaking and listening underpinning learning and development in children of all ages and appreciate that it is a skill that can always be developed and improved
  • To know what children should be doing and when, in terms of speaking and listening and social interaction
  • To look at practical strategies to support oracy

Expected Impact on School/Setting:

  • Schools know key research findings into Oracy development and appreciate that it is a skill that can be explicitly developed
  • Schools can recognise what children should be doing and when, in terms of speaking and listening and social interaction
  • Schools know how to support oracy using a range of strategies which can be developed at a whole school level

Target Group:

  • Primary / Secondary Senior Leaders / Curriculum Leads

Course Deliverer:  Susannah Webb

Cost:  Free to SIP Buy-Back Participants - £25 to others

Other times on Saturday 22 February

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