23GENA - Poverty Proofing the School Day - Cancelled

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Poverty has a significant impact on children in our country.  With the most recent child poverty statistics estimating that 3.9 million children are living in poverty, there is general agreement that levels are much higher than this due to the cost of living crisis.  Within our schools and within our classrooms we are faced with children who are struggling under the burden of poverty, with that very real task of raising their attainment and accelerating their progress.

The session will allow participants to explore the barriers students who are living in deprivation face and come up with some practical solutions to the issues.  Poverty Proofing the school day listens to thousands of students every term and identifies and recognises these very real barriers that students are facing.  This workshop will allow us to respond to that rich student voice and reflect on how our day-to-day practice can be poverty proofed, including the direct impact this work is having on disadvantaged students across the country.

Expected Impact on School/Setting:

The poverty proofing work has evidence following evaluation from Newcastle University that this approach impacts on student's engagement within school with increased attendance and attainment being highlighted as key outcomes.  Poverty Proofing also has impact on take up of free school meals and extra-curricular activities.

Target Group:  All Staff

Course Deliverer:  Children North East

Cost:  Free to SWD Buy-Back Participants - £20 to others

Other times on Saturday 22 February

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