Self-neglect (safeguarding training course)


  1. Overview
  2. Course aims
  3. Course learning outcomes
  4. Times, dates and venues


This course is part of the safeguarding training programme

To see a full list of courses, visit safeguarding training courses

If you want to attend a course, visit book a place on a course

Course aims

  • This course aims to help frontline staff understand the perspectives of self-neglect and the range of available interventions to support people who self-neglect

Course learning outcomes

  • Understand the relationship between self-neglect, hoarding and safeguarding
  • Understand the concept of self-neglect, hoarding and its manifestations
  • Understand the tensions between respect for autonomy and a perceived duty to preserve health and wellbeing
  • Understand the interface with self-determination and human rights
  • Build and maintain supportive relationships through which services can, in time, be negotiated
  • Support those who self-neglect who lack mental capacity

Times, dates and venues

There are no dates scheduled for this course.

Delivered by: STSCAP Learning and Development Adviser / Alan D'Arcy, Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service.