Safeguarding in the digital age - Policies, procedures and good practice: Enhanced (safeguarding training course)


  1. Overview
  2. Course aims
  3. Course learning outcomes
  4. Times, dates and venues


This course is part of the safeguarding training programme

To see a full list of courses, visit safeguarding training courses

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Course aims

  • This course is specifically designed to give a general awareness of issues and is aimed at the person responsible for implementation of policies and procedures with respect to e-safeguarding
  • To help those working with children and young people to develop an understanding of the risks to children and staff created by the use of digital technology
  • To guide professionals involved in the production of policies and procedures required in partner agencies to ensure children and staff are kept safe

Course learning outcomes

  • Understand online threats to children through a variety of forms
  • Understand how to protect children and young people in a digital world
  • Understand how staff can protect their professional integrity online
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the responsibilities of a lead person for e-safeguarding in a team or organisation
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the range of policies and procedures required, including why they are necessary

Times, dates and venues

There are no dates scheduled for this course.

Delivered by: Mike Hamilton, ICT in Schools.