Hidden Harm: The Impact of Parental Substance Misuse on Children and Young People (Training course)

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Child and adult safeguarding training course. Free to attend.


  1. About this course
  2. Learning Outcomes
  3. Who can attend
  4. Book a place and find out more

About this course

This training course is for those who work with children, young people and their families. 

The course helps the learner to spot the signs of harm and identify appropriate windows of opportunity to safeguard children and young people.

The aim of the course is to raise awareness of the issues affecting the children of problem substance users.

You will be provided with the knowledge needed to understand parental substance misuse, recognise the warning signs and potential impact on a child / young person's life.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the session participants will be able to:

  • Explore values and attitudes regarding substance misuse
  • Develop knowledge of specific substances and effects on the body
  • Recognise the needs of children and young people whose parents misuse substances
  • Consider issues of safeguarding children when parents are misusing substances

This course is ran by Melanie Soutar, Manager MATRIX Young People's Service.

Who can attend

Anyone working with children, adults and families in South Tyneside can apply for a place.

Book a place and find out more

This course is free to attend.

For information on how to book a place on one of our courses, and for more information:

Attending a course

Other times on Saturday 22 February

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